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Hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities

Facilities that treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste, known as TSDFs, must be licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources unless the activity is specifically exempt from the licensing requirement. License terms are generally 10 years but may be issued for shorter terms, and modifications may occur throughout the license period. For more general information on hazardous waste management, refer to Management of Hazardous Waste in Wisconsin

Below is additional information for active Wisconsin TSDFs, including:

  • Facility name, address, business website, EPA and facility ID numbers.
  • Summary of operations at each facility, including the type(s) of hazardous waste they handle.
  • A link to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database. ECHO provides more information about a facility's location, reports and compliance status.
  • Current licensing information and status.
  • Links to current hazardous waste license approval documents.
  • Licensing actions that are currently under review.

For information regarding the investigation and cleanup of potential and/or confirmed contamination at a TSDF, refer to BRRTS on the web and use the Facility ID to search.

Commercial TSDFs

Commercial TSDFs are facilities that receive and manage hazardous waste from other entities. Hazardous waste management activities may include recycling/reclaiming solvents and mercury, fuel blending for energy recovery and treatment to facilitate disposal. There are no operating hazardous waste disposal facilities (landfills) in Wisconsin. The commercial TSDFs licensed in Wisconsin are listed below.

Brenntag Great Lakes, LLC

Brenntag Great Lakes, LLC

Facility Summary

Brenntag Great Lakes, LLC operates a licensed hazardous waste storage and treatment facility in Menomonee Falls. The types of wastes accepted at the Brenntag facility are primarily organic materials suitable for either fuel blending or reclamation. Storage of hazardous wastes at the facility occurs in containers in the Container Storage Room. The fuel blending (treatment) of hazardous waste occurs in tanker trucks in the fuel blending area.

Brenntag handles waste materials from a wide variety of customers in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, Minnesota and Illinois. Midwestern customers served by Brenntag typically include paint manufacturers, can coating companies, automobile dealerships, auto repair facilities, label and screening companies, container manufacturers, semi-trailer manufacturers, plastics companies (molded), metal finishing operations and various manufacturers involved in the automotive field. 

License information

  • License #(s): 4397, 6017
  • Licensed activity: Treatment in Containers and Storage in Containers
  • License status: Active; expiration in April 2025

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Enviro-Safe Resource Recovery

Enviro-Safe Resource Recovery

Facility Summary

Enviro-Safe Resource Recovery operates a hazardous waste storage and treatment facility in Germantown. Hazardous waste activities at the site include licensed waste storage, license-exempt hazardous waste processing (bulking, consolidation into containers, elementary neutralization, lab pack repackaging and aerosol puncturing) and licensed hazardous waste treatment (fuel blending). The types of wastes  primarily accepted at the ESRR facility are primarily organic materials that are suitable for fuel blending. The facility also performs the following waste-related activities – solid waste processing, hazardous waste 10-day transfer, used oil marketing/processing, universal waste handling, hazardous secondary material management and solvent continued use storage and consolidation for customers in Wisconsin and other midwestern States.

ESRR services small to mid-size and large companies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest. 

License information

  • License #(s): 4179, 4720
  • Licensed activity: Treatment in Containers and Storage in Containers
  • License status: Active; expiration in January 2033

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Hydrite Chemical Company

Hydrite Chemical Company

Facility Summary

The Hydrite Chemical Company facility is located in Cottage Grove. The facility specializes in the manufacturing of flammable solvents and the storage, treatment and recycling of hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes primarily managed by Hydrite include petroleum solvent-related wastes suitable for recycling in distillation columns or thin-film evaporators, or treatable by mixing to create fuels for cement kilns.

License information

  • License #(s): 3200, 4437, 6006
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Tanks and Containers and Treatment in Tanks
  • License status: Active; expiration in May 2025

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Safety-Kleen Kaukauna

Safety-Kleen Kaukauna

Facility Summary

The Safety-Kleen Kaukauna facility serves as a storage facility for spent materials generated by regional Safety-Kleen customers. The types of waste accepted at the Safety-Kleen Kaukauna facility primarily consist of spent solvents from industrial maintenance, dry cleaning and automotive repair services. 

License information

  • License #(s): 3248, 6003
  • Licensed activity: Storage in tanks and containers 
  • License status: Active; expiration in January 2024. License renewal activities are ongoing.

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Safety-Kleen Waukesha

Safety-Kleen Waukesha

Facility Summary

The Safety-Kleen Waukesha facility serves as a storage facility for spent materials generated by regional Safety-Kleen customers. The types of waste accepted at the Safety-Kleen Waukesha facility primarily consist of spent solvents from industrial maintenance, dry cleaning and automotive repair services.

License information

  • License #(s): 3246, 6004
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Tanks and Containers
  • License status: Active; expiration in January 2024. License renewal activities are ongoing.

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Tradebe Treatment and Recycling of Wisconsin, LLC

Tradebe Treatment and Recycling of Wisconsin, LLC

Facility Summary

Tradebe Treatment and Recycling of Wisconsin, LLC currently operates a licensed hazardous waste storage and treatment facility in Milwaukee. The currently approved Feasibility and Plan of Operation Report references the previous owner, Badger Disposal, but applies to Tradebe. Container storage of hazardous waste is approved in various quantities within five storage buildings. Hazardous waste treatment in the form of fuels blending is also licensed at this location. Other waste management activities at this location include lab packing, bulking, transfer, elementary neutralization and non-hazardous waste handling.
The primary function of Tradebe is the bulking and transfer of hazardous and nonhazardous waste for recycling, fuel blending and other waste management methods. The types of wastes accepted at the Tradebe facility are primarily organic materials that are suitable for either recycling or fuel blending. Wastes that are not burned as fuel are bulked for off-site metal recovery, neutralization and other waste management methods. Tradebe also manages hazardous secondary materials, universal waste, used oil and non-hazardous waste at the facility.

License information

  • License #(s): 6026, 4395
  • Licensed activity: Treatment in containers, Storage in containers
  • License status: Active; expiration in August 2017. License renewal activities are ongoing.

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Veolia Environmental Services - Menomonee Falls

Veolia Environmental Services - Menomonee Falls

Facility Summary

Veolia ES Technical Solutions. LLC – Menomonee Falls collects, consolidates, temporarily stores, treats and transports hazardous wastes generated by industries and remediation activities located primarily in the upper Midwest of the United States. The facility also operates a household hazardous waste program, collects universal wastes such as lamps and batteries, and is a large quantity generator of hazardous waste. If Veolia is unable to treat a hazardous waste that it received or generated on-site, Veolia transfers the waste off-site for reclamation and/or treatment and disposal at approved facilities.

Generators that typically use Veolia MF’s services include metal finishers, heavy and light industries, the State of Wisconsin, computer and high technological industries, small manufacturers, schools and service industries.

License information

  • License #(s): 3135, 6012, 6013
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Containers, Storage in Tanks, Treatment in Containers, Treatment in Tanks
  • License status: Active; expiration in April 2024. License renewal activities are ongoing.

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC - Port Washington

Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC - Port Washington

Facility Summary

Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC – Port Washington operates as a hazardous waste container storage unit and the mercury recovery/retort operation. Veolia – PW also operates as a destination facility for the recycling of universal waste including mercury-containing lamps and mercury-containing devices and a permanent household hazardous waste collection facility. 

Veolia – PW manages a wide variety of hazardous waste for primarily industrial clientele, but also serves the local community and municipal agencies that are small or very small quantity generators.

License information

  • License #(s): 4585, 6008
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Containers, Bulking in Tankers and Roll-offs, Miscellaneous Treatment (mercury retort)
  • License status: Active; expiration in October 2025

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


WM Waste Inc.

WM Waste Inc.

Facility Summary

WM Waste, Inc. serves all industries, businesses and governmental facilities within economical transportation radius of the facility. This includes all 50 states, Canada and other possible international locations. Historically the site operated to recycle/recover metallic mercury. Mercury recycling/recovery operations have been removed from the site and WMWI was recently relicensed as a hazardous waste storage facility. WMWI is currently licensed as a commercial hazardous waste storage facility that stores various hazardous and universal waste prior to shipment offsite.

License information

  • License #(s): 3102
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Containers
  • License status: Active; expiration in April 2034

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


WRR Environmental Services, Inc.

WRR Environmental Services, Inc.

Facility Summary

WRR Environmental Services, Inc. provides services in the areas of solvent recycling, fuel blending, emergency spill response, remediation, community clean sweeps, and hazardous and non-hazardous waste storage and treatment services for generators located primarily in the Midwest region of the United States. 
The generators served by WRR typically include painting and coating manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, container manufacturers, automobile and automobile parts manufacturers, machine and equipment manufacturers, chemical manufacturers and distributors, furniture and plastics manufacturers, autobody and machine shops, analytical laboratories, printing and ink manufacturers and end users, computer component manufacturers, pleasure craft manufacturers and pharmaceutical and biotech firms.

License information

  • License #(s): 3161, 4304, 4305, 6005
  • Licensed activity: Storage in Containers, Storage in Tanks, Thin Film Evaporation, Misc. Treatment (Fuel Blending)
  • License status: Active; expiration in October 2024

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval

Licensing Actions Currently Under Review


Non-Commercial TSDFs 

Non-commercial facilities manage only hazardous wastes they generate on-site. There is currently one non-commercial TSDF licensed in Wisconsin.

Stresau Laboratory, Inc

Facility summary

SLI develops, tests, evaluates, assembles and manufactures energetic devices. Residual energetic material, waste contaminated with energetic material and energetic components and devices are examples of reactive hazardous waste generated and treated by SLI. In preparing products for clients, reactive hazardous wastes are generated either as residual materials or components and devices that are no longer needed.

License information

  • License #(s): 6024
  • Licensed activity: Miscellaneous Unit Treatment
  • License status: Active; expiration in October 2016. License renewal activities are ongoing.

Current Hazardous Waste License Approval