Hazardous waste manifest requirements
The uniform hazardous waste manifest is the form required for all generators who transport, or offer for transport, hazardous waste for off-site treatment, recycling, storage or disposal. Detailed information on the manifest system and its requirements can be found in:
- Hazardous Waste Manifests: A Guide for Hazardous Waste Generators (WA-1176) [PDF]
- Transporting Hazardous Waste (WA-137) [PDF]
Transition to the federal e-Manifest system
Check with your receiving facility
Before you begin using the e-Manifest system, contact your TSD/receiving facility to determine how it plans to transition toward using a fully electronic manifest.
During the transition period from paper to electronic manifests, it is expected generators will continue to receive a paper copy manifest at the time the hazardous waste is picked up from their facility. Over time, the TSD/receiving facility will work with its transporters to begin using the electronic system from the initiation of the shipment onward. This gradual transition will allow generators and handlers to learn more about how the system works and get registered to use the system.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Hazardous Waste e-Manifest System is housed within the RCRAInfo electronic database and can produce forms, reports and procedures to track hazardous waste from the time it leaves the generator (facility where it was produced) until it reaches the offsite waste management facility that will store, treat or dispose of the hazardous waste. The system allows the waste generator to verify the waste has been properly delivered and that no waste has been lost or unaccounted for in the process.
Manifest processing fees are the responsibility of the TSD/receiving facility and may be reflected in their hazardous waste contracts with generators. The EPA’s goal is to support the transition to a fully electronic manifest system to reduce costs incurred by all parties.
All handlers, including the generator, must register to gain access to the system to review the manifests and for recordkeeping purposes. The EPA has created user-specific, stakeholder factsheets describing the use of the e-Manifest system.
After reviewing the relevant stakeholder factsheets, choose the user options that best fits your use. It is recommended facilities register two site managers per facility. This will avoid a lag in access to the system should personnel change over time. Site managers may assign user roles to facility or company personnel based on whether they will need to review, create and/or sign manifests electronically.
A RCRAInfo account is a person-specific account and should not be shared among employees. Each employee that will need to sign or certify within the e-Manifest system must have his or her own electronic signature permission.
Once the RCRAInfo account is obtained, log in and choose e-Manifest as an option for access. The request will be reviewed at the state level and access granted as a Wisconsin user of the system, allowing access to the e-Manifest system for the facility and role requested.
TSD/receiving facility e-Manifest requirements
Once the manifest is received by the TSD/receiving facility, the facility has 30 days to submit the completed manifest to the e-manifest system. There is a processing fee for each manifest submitted by a TSD/receiving facility and varies depending on how it was submitted.
- Electronic manifest (including hybrid*) with a fee of $8;
- Entered data plus image upload of manifest is a fee of $13; or
- Upload of a scanned image of the manifest is a fee of $20.
* A hybrid manifest is created electronically in e-Manifest. A hard copy is then printed from the system and signed by the generator and initial transporter on paper. The signed hard copy is left at the generator site, while the remainder of the manifest shipment is executed electronically. The manifest is signed electronically by the initial transporter, any other subsequent transporters, and the receiving facility.
Additional Resources
For RCRAInfo user access and permissions, contact your regional licensing, reporting and compliance specialist.
e-Manifest Helpdesk for Industry Users
7 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT Call toll free: (833) 501-6826 or direct: (970) 494-5508