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Hearings and Meetings Archive

Below is an archive of hearings and meetings that have already occurred. A list of upcoming events is available on the department's Hearings and Meetings calendar.
Meetings between:
March 2022
Tuesday March 8

Greater Prairie-chicken Advisory Committee | Monitoring | Events | Regulations | Wildlife Habitat

DNR Greater Prairie-Chicken Advisory Committee Meeting

Date: 03/08/2022

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Alaina Gerrits, or 715-508-1677


The DNR Greater Prairie-chicken Advisory Committee will be meeting via Skype from 1– 3 p.m to review public comments received on the first draft of the management plan and to start revising a final draft plan.

For more information on the meeting, contact Alaina Gerrits, DNR Wildlife Biologist, at or 715-508-1677.

Join this meeting by Skype.
Join by phone: 608-316-9000
Meeting ID: 24455694

Published on

2022-03-08T13:00:00 - 2022-03-08T15:00:00
Monday March 7

Environmental Protection | Monitoring | Wetlands

Public hearing on a permanent rule, Board Order WT-22-19, to revise chs. NR 300, 301, 305 and 310, relating to administration, procedures and enforcement of the Wisconsin Wetland and Waterway regulatory program

Date: 03/07/2022

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Amanda Minks, or 608-220-0368


This is a public hearing on a permanent rule, Board Order WT-22-19, to revise chs. NR 300, 301, 305 and 310, relating to administration, procedures and enforcement of the Wisconsin Wetland and Waterway regulatory program.

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. To register and join the hearing online, use the information provided in the public hearing notice. Pre-registration is also available and is strongly encouraged if you plan to provide spoken comments during the hearing. To pre-register, either use the Zoom link or download and complete the fillable Hearing Appearance form and send it to

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Click here to view the Public Hearing Notice. 

Click here to view the Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules.

Click here to view the Hearing Appearance Form.

Published on

2022-03-07T13:00:00 - 2022-03-07T15:00:00
Thursday March 3

Construction | Environmental Impact Analysis

La Crosse Isle La Plume Dredged Material Disposal


Date: 03/03/2022

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, 1433 Rose Street, La Crosse, WI 54603


Carolyn Cooper, or 608-931-9387


The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Waste and Materials Management Program will hold a public meeting at 1 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, 1433 Rose Street, La Crosse, WI 54603. This meeting was rescheduled from the Feb. 22 meeting which was postponed due to inclement weather.

Room capacity will be limited to 15 people at a time. There will also be virtual access to the meeting. Department staff and representatives from the city of La Crosse will provide information about a request made by the city to dispose of sediments dredged from the Mississippi River as part of the La Crosse Cruise Ship Landing Project.

The city proposes to place the material on a city-owned property located at 2000 Marco Drive on Isle La Plume. The material would be capped with clean soil and seeded. The purpose of the meeting is to solicit public comment and answer questions on the proposal. There will be a brief introduction and explanation of the project by DNR and city of La Crosse representatives. The meeting will then be opened up for questions and comments. All public comments will be considered by the DNR when making a decision on the proposal.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 888-475-4499; Meeting ID 822 1459 6962

Published on

2022-03-03T13:00:00 - 2022-03-03T14:00:00
Thursday March 3

Environmental Protection | Industry | Safety | Recycling

Council on Recycling meeting

Date: 03/03/2022

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Virtual


Jennifer Semrau, or 608-381-0960 ​​​


Council members will conduct their next meeting virtually via conference call/Zoom. Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, an update on rechargeable batteries taskforce, information on the Federal Infrastructure Bill (about recycling), a summary of the EPA's National Recycling Strategy and more. A complete agenda can be found on the council's website.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 884 9209 7066

Published on

2022-03-03T10:00:00 - 2022-03-03T11:30:00
Thursday March 3

Environmental Protection | Wetlands

Wetland Study Council

Date: 03/03/2022

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Location: Virtual


Tom Pearce, or 608-800-1643


The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss a wetland data dashboard and integrated stormwater and wetland projects.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 853 1187 6791

Published on

2022-03-03T09:00:00 - 2022-03-03T11:00:00
Wednesday March 2

Recreation | Monitoring | Environmental Protection | Hunt

Deer Committee Meeting

Date: 03/02/2022

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Jeffrey Pritzl, or 920-366-3450


This is a meeting of the Deer Committee.


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Brian Dhuey – Deer Hunter Surveys
  3. Bob Holsman – Hunter opinions about CWD
  4. Travis Bartnick – GLIFWC update
  5. Dan Storm – 2021 Harvest and Population Estimate overview
  6. Public Comment
  7. Brad Koele – Deer Ag/Nuisance Damage Update
  8. Jeff Pritzl – Deer Stakeholder Committee Update
  9. Adjourn

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 815 1370 6025

Published on

2022-03-02T13:00:00 - 2022-03-02T16:00:00
Wednesday March 2

Environmental Protection | Regulations | Waste

Solid Waste Listening Session

Date: 03/02/2022

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Location: Virtual


Kate Strom Hiorns, or 608-294-8663


The Waste and Materials Management Program will conduct a listening session with members of the Waste and Materials Management Study Group and other interested parties. DNR staff will be gathering input on potential improvements to solid waste administrative code.

Join this meeting by Skype.

Join by phone: 608-316-9000; Meeting ID: 52222361#


Published on

2022-03-02T09:00:00 - 2022-03-02T10:30:00
February 2022
Tuesday February 22

Regulations | Environmental Protection | Regulations

Public hearing on a permanent rule, Board Order WY-29-19, to revise chs. NR 1, 107, 109, 150, 193, 329 and 345, relating to aquatic plant management, manual removal and mechanical control regulations, aquatic habitat protection, and surface water grants

Date: 02/22/2022

Time: 1:00 p.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Madi Johansen, or 608-712-2798


This is a public hearing on a permanent rule, Board Order WY-29-19, to revise chs. NR 1, 107, 109, 150, 193, 329 and 345, relating to aquatic plant management, manual removal and mechanical control regulations, aquatic habitat protection, and surface water grants.

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. To register and join the hearing online or by phone, use the information provided in the public hearing notice. Pre-registration is also available and is strongly encouraged if you plan to provide spoken comments during the hearing. To pre-register, either use the Zoom link or download and complete the fillable Hearing Appearance form and send it to

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 892 0059 5214

View the Public Hearing Notice.

View the Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules.

View the Hearing Appearance Form.

Published on

2022-02-22T13:00:00 - 2022-02-22T14:00:00
Monday February 21

Industry | Environmental Protection | Monitoring | Regulations | Fishing

Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board Meeting

Date: 02/21/2022

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Allen Blizel, or 920-493-8701


This is a meeting of the Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board.


1. Organizational Matters

Call to Order

2. Action Items

a) January 10, 2022 meeting minutes

b) Possible motion on a lake trout scope statement

c) Possible separate motions on latent mortality, bycatch and the 10% rule.

3. Discussion Items – (Public comments welcomed)

a) Lake trout

- status update – Brad Eggold (WDNR)

- presentation – Mark Ebener (QFC)

b) Whitefish

- DNR plans and position on latent mortality – Brad Eggold

- Use of bycatch data – Scott Hansen

- live discards and the 10% rule – Brad Eggold, WDNR LE staff

c) Accuracy of EFHRS reporting – Scott Hansen, LE staff

4. Board Members’ Matters – Informational

a) Old Business

- historical perspective of the commercial fishery – Chandra Harvey (WDNR attorney)

- LMCFB: eligibility to serve on the Board – Chandra Harvey

- election of officers

- 2022 meeting schedule

b) Other Issues

5. Adjournment

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 844 7388 4536

Published on

2022-02-21T17:30:00 - 2022-02-21T20:30:00
Friday February 18

Environmental Protection | Monitoring | Public Health | PFAS

DNR PFAS External Advisory Group

Date: 02/18/2022

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Jason Lowery, or 608-228-4737


Items on the agenda include updates on PFAS activities and perspectives from the DNR and External Advisory Group members.

The public is invited to attend and may provide questions and comments at the meeting. Questions may also be submitted in advance to More information on this meeting, including a Zoom link and an agenda, will be available at the DNR’s PFAS External Advisory Group webpage.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 880 4491 1672

Published on

2022-02-18T11:00:00 - 2022-02-18T14:00:00