This is a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 001-25 (Board Order WA-15-24), which affects ch. NR 530, relating to implementation of electronics recycling program requirements.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The GCC meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is celebrating Groundwater Awareness Week March 10-16, 2024.
The Groundwater Coordinating Council meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordinating Council meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordinating Council meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.