This is a single day event where participants will learn the biology and the techniques to hunt pheasants on public land.
There will be an instructional portion in the morning followed by a pheasant hunt in the afternoon.
As novices will be hunting exclusively private land, with landowners assisting as mentors, they will learn firsthand the importance of conservation through this lens.
What does Lakeshore State Park have to do with Niagara Falls? Come find out and learn some Wisconsin geological history as you explore the Lannon stone lining the park, searching for fossilized coral, trilobites, brachiopods, and cephalopods.
Join Master Naturalist Laurie Hylen to learn facts about owls and their interesting digestive systems. Then it’s time for actual pellet dissection and investigation.
Door County has a wealth of herbs that can be beneficial to your health and well-being. This walk will explore the herbs in our local environment. Learn how the plants that flourish in this climate can help you flourish as well.