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Silviculture Trials

Trials are conducted to see if a new approach works better than others used in the past. In the case of silviculture, there may be questions about direct seeding a particular species, prescribed burning, scarification techniques, thinning techniques, etc. Once trials are documented, the results and recommendations should be shared with others in the forestry profession.

Wisconsin trials

This silviculture directory documents silviculture trials conducted by field foresters (DNR, county and others) in Wisconsin. It provides interested individuals with an overview of trials in a variety of cover types. It is intended to increase the awareness of forestry projects in the state. Conversely, it will help identify needs or issues in various cover types for further exploration.

Directory details

To qualify for a trial in the directory, submittals must include documentation about the silviculture project. Documentation includes the project's objectives with site conditions and results (i.e. habitat, soils, equipment used and before/after effects). Trials do not necessarily need to be a full blown research project. However, some measurable effects and results should be documented.

This directory is sorted by cover type. Under each type there is a list of trials. The directory is electronically linked to various files. Click on each title to review the trial's abstract, which outlines the principal investigator, location, project description, results and recommendations. Some trials have more information than others with extensive reports, maps and pictures accompanying the abstract.

The directory then concludes with a sample abstract for your use and submittal. Our hope is to have this as a dynamic directory, each year adding more trials to the list.  You can submit trials at any time or if you have any questions, please contact Greg Edge, Wisconsin DNR Forest Ecologist/Silviculturist. We are encouraging all to utilize adaptive techniques in forestry and share the results with others by submitting your trial abstract to us.

Table of contents


Bottomland Hardwood



Interfering Vegetation

Jack Pine

Northern Hardwood

Red Oak

Red Pine

Swamp Conifer

Swamp Hardwood

White Birch

White Pine

Silviculture Trial Template