LDES parameter codes help
LDES parameter codes search
The DNR Parameter Excel spreadsheet contains a complete list of DNR parameters and their codes. You can filter and search within the Excel spreadsheet to help you quickly navigate to the parameter of interest. These parameter codes are needed to allow a laboratory or other group to submit data to the DNR.
- CAS is the Chemical Abstracts Service maintained by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to give unique numbers IDs to chemicals.
- GEMS is the DNR application Groundwater Environmental Monitoring System (landfill monitoring).
- GRN is the DNR application Groundwater Retrieval Network.
- ITIS is the Integrated Taxonomic Information System maintained by a partnership of federal agencies to provide taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi and microbes.
- SRS is the EPA Substance Registry System which can be used to lookup CAS numbers.
- STORET is the EPA STOrage and RETrieval data warehouse which was the first national database for surface water monitoring data.
- SWAMP is the DNR application System for Wastewater Applications, Monitoring and Permits (wastewater monitoring).
- SWIMS is the DNR application Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System.
- WHDB is the DNR application Wildlife Health database
- WQX is the EPA Water Quality Exchange. DNR submits lakes and streams monitoring data to EPA via WQX.
DNR Code Types for Parameters
- Air Parameter Codes is for use with the Ambient Air Monitoring program results (Used for air data that needs to be submitted to EPA).
- DNR STORET Parameter is for use with drinking water, GEMS, tissue, and surface water data (chemistry).
- SWIMS Surface Water & Taxonomy is for use with field observations.
- WHDB Wildlife Health is for use with wildlife health data (but not chemistry results on tissue or blood).
Media Codes
DNR STORET codes are specific for the type of media. The media codes are as follows.
- Water
- Blood/Serum
- Tissue
- Sediment
- Air
- Sludge
- Meteorological
- Effluent and Influent
- Land or Soil
- Food
- Other (waste)
Analysis Codes
DNR STORET codes are specific for the portion of the sample analyzed. The analysis codes are as follows.
- Total
- Dissolved
- Suspended
- Dry Weight
- Wet Weight
- Bed Material
When viewing the sampling requirement for public drinking water (see below) the codes given are the EPA contaminant codes for public drinking water. These codes are not to be used for reporting the data. Rather the DNR_STORET codes are used for reporting. The DNR_STORET codes are given on the sampling forms and the monitoring schedules.