Take a stroll on the Pothole Trail. The naturalist will be roaming the trail for questions or conversations about Interstate and its biology and history.
Door County has a wealth of herbs that can be beneficial to your health and well-being. This walk will explore the herbs in our local environment. Learn how the plants that flourish in this climate can help you flourish as well.
Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. All are welcome to participate, enjoying the health benefits of hiking and you’re encouraged to hike at your own pace.
What does Lakeshore State Park have to do with Niagara Falls? Come find out and learn some Wisconsin geological history as you explore the Lannon stone lining the park searching for fossilized coral, trilobites, brachiopods and cephalopods.
Come join us to trek through Lakeshore State Park and learn about finding and identifying common animal tracks with one of our educators. You will see examples of tracks from critters you see every day and learn how to look for them on your own.