The purpose of the Forest Legacy Program [exit DNR] is to identify and protect environmentally important private forestlands threatened with conversion to non-forest uses, such as subdivision for residential or commercial development.
The Wisconsin Continuous Forest Inventory (WisCFI) collects and reports on the condition of Wisconsin's state forests in a statistically sound manner. The data is collected from a system of permanent plots to track forest conditions on an annual…
The Statewide Forest Action Plan is a 10‐year strategic plan for the forestry community that spans 2020-2030. The document shares long‐term, comprehensive goals and strategies to help the forestry community refine how it will collectively invest…
The Statewide Forest Action Plan, finalized in 2010, is a 10-year strategic plan that guides the work of Wisconsin's forestry community. The plan is comprised of two parts, the Statewide Forest Assessment and the Statewide Forest Strategy. Together…