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Bare root reforestation nurseries

The inclusion or exclusion of a nursery on this list is not meant to be an endorsement or condemnation by the Department. This list of private nurseries serving Wisconsin and distributing seedlings for reforestation and conservation planting purposes was compiled to the best of our knowledge.

Landowners purchasing seedlings from a private nursery are encouraged to verify that stock has been grown from an appropriate local seed source.

Bare root nursery contact information
Nursery NameAddressCityZipPhoneEmailFax
Chief River Nursery Co. [exit DNR]976 Ulao RoadGrafton53024800-367-9254info@chiefrivernursery.com866-226-5204
Detlor Tree Farm [exit DNR]PO Box 6Plainfield54966715-335-4448info@detcoinc.com715-335-4442
Evergreen Nursery [exit DNR]5027 County TTSturgeon Bay54235800-448-5691quality@evergreennurseryco.com920-743-9184
Garden Delights Nursery,
Indian River Nursery and
Tennessee Wholesale Nursery [exit DNR]
856 Main Street,
12845 State Route 108 and
1924 Beersheba Hwy
Altamont, TN
McMinnville, TN
Itasca Greenhouse, Inc. [exit DNR]PO Box 273, 26385 Blackwater RoadCohasset, MN55721800-538-8733 218-328-6261
Lodholz North Star Acres, Inc. (Rich) [exit DNR]420 Co Rd 
Lowes Creek Tree Farm [exit DNR]S9475 Lowes Creek 
McKay Nursery [exit DNR]750 S Monroe StreetWaterloo53594800-236-4242
Miller NurseriesW219 N11588 Appleton Ave.Germantown53022800-325-4180info@starkbros.com573-754-3701
Paint Creek Nursery [exit DNR]3215 N 140th 
PRT Dryden Nursery (container stock) [exit DNR]c/o Mike Wood, CSR
PO Box 757
Dryden, OntarioCanada, P8N 2Z4800-2709973 x29 807-937-8361
Rolling Wood NurseryW122 State Road 70Stone Lake54876715-865-6900  
Sustainable Wildlife Habitats [exit DNR]W9595 County Rd CCambridge, 
Wallace-Woodstock Nursery, Inc. [exit DNR]N1831 State Road
Wheeler's Laura's Lane Nursery [exit DNR]6581 Laura's LanePlainfield54966715-366-2477llnur@uniontel.net715-366-8201
Wisconsin Bareroot Nursery [exit DNR]W2786 County Rd. IMarkesan53946920-398-0308Sales@Wisconsinbarerootnursery.com715-743-5402
Yellow River Nurseries9166 State Highway