White Cedar Nature Center
Peninsula State Park
Peninsula's White Cedar Nature Center is a fun, family-friendly place featuring a little of everything: park and natural history; wildlife, bird and fish displays; a reading corner, fossils, furs, nature programs and more. The nature center is on Bluff Road next to the wood yard.
During winter, the nature center is closed. The center may open during special events or other times as staffing permits.
Things to do
Hikes, nature crafts, outdoor skills workshops and more are scheduled throughout the year. Peninsula also offers a variety of on-your-own year-round programs.
Calendar of events
Event and program schedules are available at the park headquarters and nature center and are posted on campground bulletin boards. See the DNR Events Calendar for a list of all nature programs and events that are offered during your visit.
Like to Hike
Take the Like to Hike challenge! The Like to Hike program emphasizes silent sports (hiking, snowshoeing, biking, skiing, paddling), which promote healthy, sustainable recreation. Peninsula's Like to Hike pin designs are protected by copyright.

How to participate in the Like to Hike program:
- Pick up an activity log at the park headquarters or nature center, or download it online. The 2025 log is coming soon.
- Complete five or more activities in the Like to Hike log. Activities can be modified for those with special needs. Trail maps are available at the nature center, park headquarters and campground host sites.
- Use the activity log to record activities. Bring it to the park headquarters or the nature center. Park staff will stamp the log, then you can purchase your pin.
- Pins are available for $5 to those who complete five or more activities. Pins cost $7 to those who do not participate.
Other year-round programs
Wisconsin Explorer Booklets: Discover nature with the newly revised Wisconsin Explorer booklets, available to kids ages 3 and older. Booklets are free at Park Headquarters and the Nature Center. Return the booklet to any state park to receive a free patch. While supplies last.
Fishing poles are available for free loan to Peninsula campers.
Friends of Peninsula State Park merchandise
Stop at the park office to purchase field guides, kids' items and park clothing. All proceeds from Peninsula Friends merchandise support nature education at the park.
Field trips
Please contact the property for more information about school field trips.