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Friends Groups

Wisconsin State Park System

A group of Friends Group Volunteer standing in front of a large sign thanking all of the Park volunteers.

What is a Friends Group?

A Friends Group is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose members have an interest in Wisconsin’s natural resources and volunteer their time, services and support to enhance Wisconsin's state parks, forests, trails and recreation areas. They provide direct support to individual properties.

What do Friends Groups do?

Every year Friends Groups provide thousands of volunteer hours to help support the mission and activities at Wisconsin State Park System properties. Friends Group members:

  • Organize annual park clean-ups and regular trail work days;
  • Plan and help with special events including candlelight nights, community campfires, festivals/concerts, educational programs and other special events;
  • Provide and assist with concessions;
  • Raise money to purchase playground equipment, interpretive displays, signs, shelters, kiosks, educational materials and more;
  • Assist with the construction and maintenance of trails, shelters, accessible cabins, birdhouses and habitat;
  • Assist in fundraising efforts, applying for grants to support the mission and activities at properties.
Friends Group members oftentimes enjoy taking volunteer positions with the Wisconsin State Park System in addition to being a Friends Group member such as: campground host, naturalist, visitor services, and adopt-a-trail leaders.

Join a Friends Group

If you're interested in becoming a Friend of a particular property, please see the list of official Friends Groups below (all links exit DNR).


If you are interested in starting a Friends Group at a Wisconsin State Park System property that does not already have one, please see this flyer for more information: Forming a Wisconsin State Park System Friends Group [PDF].


Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Statewide Organization

Friends of Wisconsin State Parks (FWSP) [exit DNR] is a nonprofit umbrella organization that provides support to the many individual Friends Groups within the state. This membership organization provides technical support to local Friends Groups, sponsors statewide events such as Work*Play*Earth Day, a photography contest, and Gold Seal and HERO awards. FWSP also provides grant opportunities for property-based Friends Groups.

Believing that each generation is responsible for leaving behind a better legacy of conservation, the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks was created to preserve, protect, promote and enhance Wisconsin’s state parks, forests, trails and recreation areas.