Septage servicing operator certification
2025 In-Person Paper Exam:
The Operator Certification program will be hosting in-person exam sessions in 2025. Exams will be held throughout the state approximately four times a month for four months of the year. All 2025 exam dates and locations, information about the in-person paper exams, and updated exam application forms can be found on the Operator Certification Exams Page.
All septage businesses in the State of Wisconsin must designate a master operator to serve as operator-in-charge (OIC). The OIC is directly responsible for the operation of the septage servicing business (reference: sub. NR 114.153(5), Wis. Adm. Code).
All individuals servicing septage shall be properly certified under the following designations: operator-in-training (OIT), certified septage operator and/or master operator pursuant to ch. NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code. An operator certification exemption is allowed for portable restroom servicing assistants (PRSAs). Note: PRSAs must work under the direction of the OIC and are limited to only servicing portable restrooms and cannot landspread septage.
Septage operators must comply with the following Wisconsin Administrative Codes:
Program Schedule
To assist operators with preparation and timing for certification exams, certification renewals and septage business license renewals, refer to the Septage Operator Certification Program Schedule.
Septage Operator Certification Renewal
All septage operator and master operator certifications expire 3 years from the date of issuance (reference sub. NR 114.22(1), Wis. Adm. Code). For example, if a septage operator was certified in March 2023, the operator certification would expire March 1, 2026.
IMPORTANT: Operators are responsible for keeping track of their certification expiration date, accumulating the required number of continuing education credits and ensuring fees are paid.
Renewal Information
A septage operator or master operator who desires to renew their certification shall submit:
- Evidence of having met the continuing education requirements in s. NR 114.23, Wis. Adm. Code for approved training courses (see Septage Certified Operator Continuing Education section for information on Training History Reports), and
- Applicable renewal fee (see Septage Operator Fee Overview section).
The above information can be mailed to the address below:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Septage Certification - EA/7
101. S. Webster St.
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921 -
Expired Operator Certification
IMPORTANT: Operators shall not continue to service septage with an expired certification (reference par. NR 114.22(3)(d), Wis. Adm. Code). Continuing to service septage with an expired certification may result in stepped enforcement from the department (see Septage Enforcement section).
An individual whose operator or master operator certification has expired may, within one year of the expiration date, be reinstated by paying the renewal fee, the late penalty fee and fulfilling the continuing education requirements (reference: par. NR 114.22(3)(a), Wis. Adm. Code). See Septage Operator Fee Overview section for more details.
If an individual's master operator certification is expired less than 5 years but more than 1 year, the person may use previous septage operator work experience from the 2 years prior to the expiration date to fulfill the 1600-hour master operator experience requirement. The department may require the person to participate in the master operator training class and pass the appropriate master operator examinations to fulfill the master operator requirements (reference par. NR 114.23(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
Operators and master operators may not renew a certification by taking the certification examinations in lieu of obtaining continuing education credits unless the certification has been expired for at least one year (reference par. NR 114.23(c), Wis. Adm. Code).
Operator-In-Charge (OIC) Expired Certification
If an operator-in-charge (OIC) lets their master operator certification expire, the business must assign another master operator as OIC. The department recommends that each septage business have at least two master operators on staff:
- One master operator to serve as the OIC, and
- One master operator to serve as a backup OIC.
IMPORTANT: If the OIC's certification expires and there is no backup master operator (to be designated as OIC), then the business must cease servicing septage (reference par. NR 113.04(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code). Continuing to service septage without a certified OIC may result in stepped enforcement from the department (see Septage Enforcement section).
Renewal Reminder
Typically, a renewal reminder letter is mailed to the operator approximately 6 weeks prior to expiration of the individual's certification. An example reminder letter is available for review.
Note: Renewal reminder letters are strictly a courtesy and are mailed to last known address saved in the Operator Environmental Licensing and Certification (ELC) database. Operators are responsible for keeping track of their certification expiration date, accumulating the required number of continuing education credits and ensuring payment of applicable fees.
Tracking Operator Certification
The Environmental Licensing and Certification (ELC) database is a tool that can be used to search and identify certified septage operators by name or certification number.
Rejection Of Certification Renewal
The department may reject incomplete or insufficient renewal applications. Applicants will be notified of this rejection in writing.
IMPORTANT: The department shall not renew a certificate for septage servicing for a period of 2 years if an operator has accumulated 6 or more violations of chs. NR 113, 114 or s. 29.601, Stats., in any 3-year certification period. Enforcement may be taken against the operator, the operator-in-charge responsible for the operator or both. Each violation shall count against the business for purposes of license renewal as specified in s. NR 113.05 (3), Wis. Adm. Code (reference s. NR 114.24, Wis. Adm. Code).
Septage Certified Operator Continuing Education
The department requires that septage operators obtain certified operator continuing education (compliance) hours that focus on:
- Wisconsin Administrative Code compliance (chs. NR 113 and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code),
- Other relevant provisions in Wisconsin Administrative Code and/or
- New technological innovations in the septage industry.
Note: Certified operator continuing education is commonly known as compliance training.
The department shall develop or approve training relevant to the septage servicing profession sufficient to fulfill the continuing education requirements. Trainings shall be offered at frequencies and at diverse locations around the state so as to facilitate fulfillment of these requirements (reference sub. NR 114.23(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
Additional general septage-related knowledge and skills (examples: CPR, first aid and confined space entry training) may be eligible for general continuing education hours. General continuing education hours are different from compliance continuing education hours (see sections below for more details).
Training History Report
An operator's continuing education hours are tracked electronically, and available on the operator's Training History Report. Operators can access a copy of this report through the ELC Operator Certification Lookup.
Compliance Training Calendar
Operators can access the department's Operator Certification Event Calendar for a list of upcoming compliance training courses. Under "Certification Type", the operator should select "Septage Service."
Compliance Training Requirements
Certified Operator (Grade T and Grade L). All Grade T and Grade L septage operators shall obtain 3 hours of certified compliance continuing education within the 3-year term of the certification (reference: sub. NR 114.23(1), Wis. Adm. Code).
Master Operator (Grade T and Grade L). All Grade T and Grade L master operators shall obtain 18 hours of department-approved continuing education, including not less than 3 hours of certified compliance continuing education, within the 3-year term of the certification (reference: sub. NR 114.23(2), Wis. Adm. Code). Note: The additional 15 hours may be in the form of compliance credits, general septage credits or a combination of compliance and general credits.
IMPORTANT: An operator's credits must be earned in the 3-year period prior to operator certification renewal. For example, if a master operator was certified March 1, 2023, the operator must earn 3 compliance hours and 15 general hours before their certification expires March 1, 2026. Additional credit hours do not carry over and may not be used for a future certification renewal.
Compliance Continuing Education Hours
Compliance hours are earned by attending pre-approved training specific to state and federal septage rules, such as
- Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) rule 40 CFR Part 503, or
- Wisconsin Administrative Rules chs. NR 113 and NR 114.
Note: Other training courses on the calendar may be approved for general septage hours; general septage hours are not compliance hours.
The department provides at least four training courses per year:
- Winter Wisconsin Liquid Waste Carriers Association (WLWCA) conference,
- Summer WLWCA conference, and
- Two master operator (MO) training courses. Notes: One in-person MO course is typically held in central Wisconsin. One MO course is typically virtual.
The above training opportunities are posted on the department's Operator Certification Event Calendar.
General Continuing Education Hours
Continuing education opportunities approved for general septage continuing education hours include, but are not limited to, department-approved:
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) approved training classes, workshops and seminars,
- Wisconsin Liquid Waste Carrier Association (WLWCA) events,
- Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (WDSPS) approved private onsite wastewater treatment system (POWTS) maintainer and/or master plumber classes,
- Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling (WOWRA) events,
- Wisconsin Wastewater Operator's Association (WWOA) events,
- Environmental Protection Agency-sponsored events,
- Wisconsin Rural Water Association classes,
- Wisconsin technical college courses and
- Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) tours.
General continuing education hours may also include safety related classes such as CPR, first aid, confined space entry or bloodborne pathogens.
Master Operator Class (For Credits)
Any septage operator may voluntarily participate in the master operator compliance training class (as required under subs. NR 114.18 (2) and (3), Wis. Adm. Code), even if not required to, and may receive the associated hours of continuing education.
Online Training Courses
Septage operators may consider taking online training courses to receive general continuing education credits. Examples of recent courses approved include, but are not limited to:
- Courses offered by Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and other department-approved online courses. Note: This option works especially well for operators with dual Michigan and Wisconsin operator certifications.
- Math courses useful for common septage calculations (example: calculating hydraulic application rate of landspreading equipment).
- For a current list of department-approved courses, visit the Operator Certification Training webpage).
To claim credit for online courses, operators must fill out the Operator Training Report (Form 4400-190 AKA 190 Form). The Operator Training Report form and instructions are available on the Operator Certification Training webpage under the "For Operators" tab. Use this form for any relevant training that was not pre-approved by the DNR (such as in-house safety training) or for some online training. Training approved with this form will be added to an operator's Training History Report.
Tips for completing the 190 Form include:
- Typing directly within the PDF form.
- Saving a copy for your records.
- Emailing the form to To ensure timely review, the subject line should read [Training Course Title]—Septage Operator Training Report Form.
- Including proof of attendance.
Once the training is approved, the course (and associated credits) will be added to an Operator's Training History Report. Note: Approval may take several business days, depending on the time of year.
Trade Shows
Master operators may use attendance at industry trade shows to satisfy three department approved general continuing education hours. The sponsor of the trade show or the person attending the trade show shall submit relevant documentation to obtain department approval.
To claim credit for trade shows, operators must fill out the Operator Training Report (Form 4400-190 AKA 190 Form). The Operator Training Report form and instructions are available on the Operator Certification Training webpage under the "For Operators" section.
Rejection Of Training Courses
Activities not acceptable for continuing education include, but are not limited to time spent:
- Learning new business specific operations or operating new equipment,
- Completing routine business forms and paperwork,
- Reading federal or state codes, septage-related publications (books, texts or magazines),
- Watching septage-related videos or television,
- Working with a licensed plumber, agronomist or soils scientist and
- Evaluating septic tanks, holding tanks, grease interceptors or portable restrooms.
Septage Operator Exams
The department shall use examinations to determine the knowledge and ability of an applicant to do septage servicing. A score of 75% or higher shall be a passing score on each examination (reference sub. NR 114.19(1), Wis. Adm. Code).
Note: An individual does not need to be an operator-in-training (OIT) in order to take the septage operator Grade T or Grade L exam.
Certified Operator Septage Exams
To become a certified Grade T operator, an individual must pass the Septage-Septage Operator Grade T exam. Note: A person does not need to be or have been an operator-in-training (OIT) to take this exam.
To become a certified Grade L operator, an individual must pass both Septage-Septage Operator Grade T and Septage-Septage Operator Grade L exams.
IMPORTANT: An individual does not need to be or have been an operator-in training (OIT) to take the Grade T and/or Grade L exams.
Master Operator Septage Exams
IMPORTANT: Taking the master operator exam is just one of the tasks required to become a master operator (reference sub. NR 114.18(2), Wis. Adm. Code). See Types of Septage Operators section for more details.
To become a certified Grade T master operator, an individual must pass the Septage-Septage Master Operator Grade T exam. Note: A person does not need to be or have been an operator-in-training (OIT) to take this exam. It is recommended that a person be a certified septage operator grade T or grade L prior to taking this exam.
To become a certified Grade L master operator, an individual must pass both Septage-Septage Master Operator Grade T and Master Septage-Septage Operator Grade L exams. Note: A person does not need to be or have been an OIT to take this exam. It is recommended that a person be a certified septage operator grade L prior to taking this exam.
Exam Results
A score of 75% or higher shall be a passing score on each examination (reference sub. NR 114.19(1), Wis. Adm. Code). Operators will receive written notice of their exam results approximately 30 days after the exam date.
Exam Failure
An applicant who fails to pass an examination may apply to the department for reexamination (per sub. NR 114.19(6), Wis. Adm. Code). This also applies to operators who fail the master operator exam.
The department may conduct examinations on a case-by-case basis when necessary to accommodate applicants' needs (reference: sub. NR 114.19(2), Wis. Adm. Code). For more information about ADA and hardship requests, visit the Operator Certification Exams webpage under the General Info section.
A score of 75% or higher shall be a passing score on each oral examination. Applicants should reach out to the DNR Septage Operator Certification Coordinator to inquire about oral examinations.
Study Guides
The following study guides are available to assist with preparation for operator exams:
Note: The department is currently updating the above study guides to comply with recent revisions to chs. NR 113 and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code.
There are no study guides for Master Operator exams. It is recommended that operators attend the Master Operator Class prior to sitting for the Master Operator Exam.
Issuance Of Certification
Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the qualifications and receipt of the certification fee, the department shall issue a certification to an applicant indicating the operator certification and grade for which the applicant has qualified (per s. NR 114.21, Wis. Adm. Code). A certificate is mailed to the operator. This certificate identifies the type of certification, expiration date and required continuing education credits.
Septage Operator Fee Overview
The department collects septage operator-related fees for registration of operator-in-training (OITs), certification exams and certification renewals.
All fees collected shall be used by the department for the purposes of implementing chs. NR 113, and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code (reference: sub. NR 114.20(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
OIT Registration Fee
OIT registration is $25. This fee is included as part of the application processing fee for Septage: Operator-In-Training (OIT) Registration Application (Form 3400-174 AKA 174 Form).
Certification Exams
All department septage examination applications cost $100.
The department shall not refund fees to an applicant who fails to pass an examination, who fails to appear to take an examination or who fails to identify themselves on request when appearing to take an examination (reference: sub. NR 114.20(2), Wis. Adm. Code).
Master Operator Upgrade
Master operator applicants are required to pay an initial issuance fee of $100 when upgrading from a certified operator to a master operator.
Certification Renewal
Septage operator (Grade T or Grade L) certification renewal is $65. If postmarked after the operator's certification expiration date, then a $100 late fee is applied ($165 total).
Master operator (Grade T or Grade L) certification renewal is $100. If postmarked after the operator's certification date, then a $100 late fee is applied ($200 total).
Veteran Fee Waiver
A veteran may request a fee waiver for a first-time license or operator certificate in accordance with the veteran's fee waiver program under s. 45.44, Stats (per sub. NR 114.20(4), Wis. Adm. Code).
Types Of Septage Operators
All individuals servicing septage shall be properly certified under the following designations: operator-in-training (OIT), certified septage operator and/or master operator pursuant to ch. NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code. Certified individuals have completed the requirements established in chs. NR 113 and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code. Certification requirements depend on the type of septage operator (detailed below).
Operators that have met the OIT, certified operator and master operator requirements may look up their information on the Operator Look-up webpage.
Note: A certification exemption is allowed for portable restroom servicing assistants (PRSAs). PRSAs must work under the direction of the OIC and are limited to only servicing portable restrooms and cannot landspread septage. See the Portable Restroom Assistants (PRSAs) section for more details.
Septage Operator-In-Trainings (OITs)
An operator-in-training or OIT is an individual considered to be doing septage servicing under the certification of the designated operator-in-charge (or OIC). IMPORTANT: The OIC is responsible for the actions of the OIT (reference: par. NR 114.16(2)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
The OIC shall register the OIT by submitting the Septage: Operator-in-Training (OIT) Registration Application (form 3400-174 AKA 174 Form). As part of this application, the OIC must identify if the applicant has been previously registered as on OIT pursuant to sub. NR 114.16(2), Wis. Adm. Code.
An OIT may engage in septage servicing for up to 12 months without being certified as a septage operator. For example, if an OIT registered March 1, 2023, the OIT registration would end March 1, 2024.
Five years after the end of the last OIT term (12-month term), a person that was registered with the department as an OIT may be re-registered with the department as an OIT and engage in septage servicing for up to 12 months without being certified (reference: par. NR 114.16(2)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
Septage Operators
A certified septage operator is a person who has been issued a certificate by the department to do septage servicing (reference sub. NR 114.153(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
There are two general certification grades for septage servicing operators.
- Grade T Certified Operator. A Grade T operator is certified to conduct all aspects of septage servicing except the land application of septage. To qualify for certification as a Grade T operator, a person shall pass the Grade T examination (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
- Grade L Certified Operator. A Grade L operator is certified to conduct all aspects of septage servicing including the land application of septage. To qualify for certification as a Grade L operator, a person shall pass the Grade L examination (reference par NR 114.17(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
Conversion of Operator Grade L certification to Grade T certification. The department may convert a Grade L certification to a Grade T certification in any of the following circumstances:
- A Grade L certified operator requests the department in writing to convert the certification to a Grade T certified operator; or
- The department converts the certification as specified as part of enforcement under sub. NR 114.24 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Master Operators
A master operator is a certified operator who has been issued a master operator certificate by the department (reference sub. NR 114.153(4m), Wis. Adm. Code). Only individuals with a master operator certification are qualified to be operators-in-charge (OIC). Generally, it takes a septage operator approximately 1-2 years to become a master operator. Operators should plan accordingly.
Grade T Master Operator. In order for a septage Grade T certified operator to become a septage Grade T master operator, the individual must complete the following tasks:
- Submit a notarized 1600-hour work experience statement to the department for review and approval;
- Participate in a mandatory master operator training class;
- Pass the master operator Grade T exam and
- Pay applicable fees. See Septage Operator Fee Overview section for more information.
Note: The class and examinations may be taken prior to obtaining the required experience.
Grade L Master Operator. In order for a septage Grade L certified operator to become a septage Grade L master operator, the individual must complete the following tasks:
- Submit a notarized 1600-hour work experience statement to the department for review and approval;
- Participate in a mandatory master operator training class;
- Pass the master operator Grade T and Grade L exams and
- Pay applicable fees. See Septage Operator Fee Overview section for more information.
Note: The class and examinations may be taken prior to obtaining the required experience.
The department recommends that septage operators review the Applicant Work Experience Requirements for Septage Master Operator Applicants guidance document for more details.
Master Operator Class. The Master Operator Class is open to certified operators and master operators for a minimum of three compliance credits. It is recommended that operators attend the Master Operator Class prior to sitting for the Master Operator Exam. The DNR is required to offer the master operator class twice per year, and covers all topics relevant to septage servicing, land application and disposal (reference: sub. NR 114.18(3), Wis. Adm. Code). See the Septage Operator Exams section for more details.
Master Operator Certification Expiration Date. Upgrading to the master operator level does not change an operator's certification expiration date. Depending on when the operator upgrades, the number of credits they must earn prior to renewal is reduced. The number of required credits ranges from 3 to 18 credits, 3 of which must be compliance credits. The number of required credits for renewal is printed on the certificate issued when the certification is upgraded.
Conversion of Master Operator Grade L certification to Grade T certification. The department may convert a Grade L master operator certification to a Grade T master operator certification in any of the following circumstances:
- A Grade L master operator requests the department in writing to convert the certification to a Grade T master operator; or
- The department converts the certification as specified as part of enforcement under sub. NR 114.24 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Operator-In-Charge (OIC)
An operator-in-charge is an individual that has been designated by the owner to be in direct, responsible charge of the septage business. Only operators with the master operator certification may be designated as the OIC of a septage business. See the Septage Operator-in-Charge (OIC) section for more details.
Non-Delinquency Certificate (Departments Of Families And Revenue)
The department shall request a non-delinquency certificate from the department of children and families and the department of revenue under ss. 49.857 and 73.0301, Stats., prior to issuing or renewing an operator certificate or registering a person as an OIT (reference sub. NR 114.195(1), Wis. Adm. Code).
If the department receives notice that a non-delinquency certificate cannot be issued from the department of children and families or the department of revenue the operator application is denied.
Change In Contact Information
Operators should notify the Septage Operator Certification Program of any change in contact information (phone number, email address and mailing address). Operators may either include updated contact information with their renewal materials or email It is recommended that the operator provide their full name and operator certification number to ensure timely updates to the department's database.
Septage Operator-In-Charge (OIC)
A septage operator-in-charge or OIC is an individual that has been designated by the owner to be in direct, responsible charge of the septage business (reference: NR 114.153(5), Wis. Adm. Code). Only operators with the master operator certification may be designated as the OIC of a septage business.
Each septage business must designate a certified master operator as the operator-in-change (or OIC). That OIC must be of appropriate grade based upon the type of business and the method of septage disposal (example: Grade L master operator designated as OIC for septage business that landspreads septage).
Designate Operator-In-Charge (OIC)
Each septage business must designate a certified master operator as the operator-in-charge (OIC) for the business per par. NR 113.05(1)(a) and sub. NR 114.18(1), Wis. Adm. Code. The OIC is the individual designated by the owner to be directly responsible for the operation of the septage business. The responsibilities of the OIC include, but are not limited to:
- Serving as the primary contact for department staff,
- Maintaining operator records, submitting operator-in-training (OIT) requests and coordinating operator renewals,
- Ensuring staff are properly trained to service and dispose of septage,
- Inspecting and maintaining septage vehicles,
- Drafting standard operating procedures (SOPs), spill plans and management plans,
- Reviewing daily log and invoice records systems,
- Overseeing land application practices and
- Certifying Other Methods of Disposal or Distribution Reports and Annual Land Application Reports (forms 3400-052 and 3400-055, respectively).
The licensed septage business may only perform aspects corresponding to the OIC grade designation.
- A Grade T master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing except land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
- A Grade L master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing including land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
IMPORTANT: It is not a requirement that the business owner be a certified operator (or certified master operator). However, the business owner must designate a properly certified OIC (individual with an active master operator license Grade T or Grade L) before a septage business license is issued.
OIC Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the OIC include, but are not limited to, the following:
- submit and certify annual reports (52 form and 55 form reports);
- serve as the primary contact for DNR staff;
- maintain operator records and coordinate operator renewals;
- perform regular vehicle inspections;
- ensure operators are trained properly in accordance with disposal regulation;
- draft and regularly update standard operating procedures (SOP);
- draft and regularly update spill response plans;
- draft and regularly update management plans;
- oversee correct land application methods are being performed consistently;
- verify operators are trained in performing safe servicing operations and
- ensure daily log book and invoice record systems are completed accurately.
Change In OIC
The business owner shall notify the department in writing of any change of the designated OIC as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the change (reference sub. NR 113.04(2), Wis. Adm. Code. The department requests providing notification via email ( or mail to the below address:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Septage Certification - EA/7
101 S. Webster St.
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707As part of this written notification, please indicate the septage business name, septage business license, number, full OIC nam and OIC certification numbe and start date of the new OIC.
Emergency OIC Situation
The department developed guidelines, expectations and instructions to assist business owners when the only master operator (serving as OIC) exits from a licensed septage business due to an untimely death or temporary or permanent incapacitation. Please reference the Streamlined Variance Procedures for Emergency Operator-in-Charge (OIC) Situations guidance document for more details.
OIC Grade L To Grade T Conversion
The department may convert a Grade L OIC to a Grade T OIC in any of the following circumstances:
- A Grade L OIC requests the department in writing to convert the certification to a Grade T OIC; or
- The department converts the OIC certification as specified as part of enforcement under sub. NR 114.24 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Portable Restroom Servicing Assistants (PRSAs)
Portable Restroom Servicing Assistants (PRSAs) may service portable restrooms, including the maintenance and transportation of the restrooms and the septage from them without being certified under ch. NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code.
IMPORTANT: A PRSA may not service or dispose of septage waste from a septic tank, holding tank, dosing chamber, grease interceptor, seepage bed, seepage pit, seepage trench, distribution cell or any other component a private onsite wastewater treatment system (or POWTS). A PRSA may not land apply any septage removed from portable restrooms (reference: sub. NR 114.16(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
Responsibility For PRSAs
A OIC does not need to register a PRSA with the department. A OIC does not need to notify the department when a PRSA joins or leaves the business.
A PRSA is considered to be working under the certification of the operator-in-charge or OIC. The OIC is responsible for their actions (reference: sub. NR 114.16(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
Farmer Non-Commercial Septage Operator Certification
Sub. NR 113.03(17), Wis. Adm. Code defines a farmer as a person who owns or leases a contiguous parcel of land of 40 acres or more that the person is using for agricultural purposes.
A farmer who disposes of septage on land owned or leased by a farmer may be exempt from ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm Code licensing requirements provided certain conditions are met (reference: sub. NR 113.05(4), Wis. Adm. Code, and s. 281.48(3)(d), Wis. Stats). Specifically:
- The septage is removed from a septic tank that is located on the same parcel of land where the septage is disposed, and
- The farmer complies with all applicable statute and rules for servicing and land application.
IMPORTANT: While a person may be exempt from the business license requirements by s. 281.48, Wis. Stats, servicing shall be in conformity ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code.
Application And Approval
Applicants should complete the Septage: Farmer Non-Commercial Septage Operator Registration Application (form 3400-194 AKA 194). This form can be downloaded from the Septage Operator Related Forms section. A completed application should be mailed to the regional septage coordinator (see Septage Contact section).
The department may provide a non-commercial registration number to allow the farmer to report private onsite wastewater treatment system (or POWTS) servicing events required under s. SPS 383.55, Wis. Adm. Code to governmental units under s. 145.01 (5), Wis. Stats.
Septage Non-Commercial Operator Lookup
The Septage Farmer Non-Commercial spreadsheet contains a list of approved non-commercial septage operators.
Note: Operator Certification staff are in-progress of updating this list. Please email to request a copy of the most recent version.
Compliance Issues
A person that fails to comply with the requirements of ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code may be subject to enforcement under s. NR 113.14, Wis. Adm. Code. Please see the Septage Enforcement section for more details.
Septage Enforcement
Enforcement actions follow the DNR stepped enforcement process. This process begins with the lowest form of enforcement appropriate for the circumstances and may be incrementally elevated to the highest level of enforcement, resulting in litigation in the courts.
Figure 1 shows the steps of enforcement action that may be taken. The level at which an enforcement action begins is case-specific and based on the severity of the noncompliant event. The stepped enforcement approach is a fluid process, and it is not legally required that all enforcement actions follow these steps in sequential order regardless of the current status or step of the process.
The DNR has the option of referral to the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) or citation authority under ss. 281.48(5s) and 281.98, Wis. Stats., and ss. NR 113.14 and NR 114.245, Wis. Adm. Code. A citation may be issued at any point within the stepped enforcement process. Environmental citations are essentially tickets for specific violation(s) to an individual or business. A conservation warden issues citations to the individual and/or business.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Enforcement. The USEPA also regulates the land application of domestic septage through 40 CFR 503. Nearly all 40 CFR 503 federal requirements are included in ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. US EPA operates independently of Wisconsin DNR, and may investigate complaints and prosecute independently of Wisconsin DNR. Violations are generally subject to larger monetary penalties and may include imprisonment.
Operator Suspension
An automatic suspension of an operator certification results when individuals fail to obtain the required continuing education credits to maintain an active certification. Septage operators are required to obtain three septage compliance credits during the 3-year certification period.
Master septage operators are required to obtain 3 septage compliance credits and 15 general septage credits during the 3-year certification period. Without the proper continuation hours, the department is unable to renew a certification for an individual and the certification lapses.
Operator Revocation And Non-Renewal
There are numerous ways an operator certification can be revoked or non-renewed. These ways are identified in: ss. 145.20, 281.17, and 281.48, Wis. Stats. Examples, include:
- Use of deception or any form of dishonesty when taking an examination, or removes examination material from an examination site;
- Operator demonstrates incompetence to perform septage servicing as required by ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code; and/or
- Operator falsifies any required applications, operating records or any other records submitted to the department.
The department may issue citations to the business and/or responsible individual pursuant to subs. NR 114.14(3) and NR 114.24(1), Wis. Adm. Code.
The department shall revoke an operator's certification and may not issue or renew a certificate for septage servicing for a period of 2 years if an operator has accumulated 6 or more violations of chs. NR 113, 114 or s. 29.601, Stats., in any 3-year certification period (reference sub. NR 114.24(1), Wis. Adm. Code). Enforcement may be taken against the operator, the operator-in-charge, owner, business or any combination. Note: Each violation shall count against the business for purposes of license renewal as specified in s. NR 113.05(3), Wis. Adm. Code.
Conversion Of Grade L Operator Certification
The department may convert an operator or master operator Grade L certification to a Grade T certification due to sanctions levied under s. NR 114.24, Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Operator Related Forms
This section contains a list common septage forms. Note: The department is in the process of revising many of these forms to comply with the revised chs. NR 113 and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code (register September 2021 and April 2022, respectively).
DNR Septage Contacts
It is recommended that septage businesses reach out to the DNR Septage Certification Program Coordinator for questions regarding:
- septage business license issuance and renewal,
- operator exams and applications,
- operator certification and renewal,
- certified operator continuing education and
- vehicle registrations.
It is recommended that septage businesses reach out to their DNR Regional Septage Coordinator for compliance assistance including, but not limited to:
- daily log and invoice system records review,
- management plan reviews,
- septage storage,
- land application site submittal and approval,
- land application and disposal standard operating procedures (SOPs),
- other types of disposal and/or issues with wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) and
- annual reporting.
To provide timely customer service, it is helpful to identify the full septage business name and license number in all correspondence with the department.
Septage Certification Program
Taylor Schutz
Phone: 608-267-2300Regional Septage Coordinators
Region Coordinator Name Counties of Responsibility South Central Region (SCR)
Mailing Address: N7725 Highway 28
Horicon WI 53032Kassandra (Kassie) Schultz
Phone Number: 262-675 4072Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette, Richland, Rock, Sauk Southeast Region (SER)
Mailing Address: 1027 West St. Paul Ave
Milwaukee WI 53233Stephen (Steve) Warrner
Phone: 414-897-5771Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha Northeast Region (NER)
Mailing Address: 3369 West Brewster St
Appleton WI 54914Teresa Hall
Phone: 920-841-6425Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago Northern Region (NOR)
Mailing Address: 2501 Golf Course Rd
Ashland WI 54806Alison Canniff
Phone: 715-685-0450Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Vilas, Washburn West Central Region (WCR)
Mailing Address: 890 Spruce St
Baldwin WI 54002Peter Carlson
Phone: 715-225-2209Adams, Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Marathon, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Portage, St. Croix, Trempealeau, Vernon, Wood