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Frequently Asked Questions

The laboratory accreditation program fields many questions from laboratory staff each day. Although it is not realistic to capture every question and its accompanying answer, this section of our website strives to capture those questions that are asked most often. This way staff can come to this table of questions and answers and find what they are looking for without having to wait for program staff to provide an answer. Generally, the questions are method focused or administrative code focused.

The FAQ table will be available on this page by March 2023

The table of FAQs is organized as follows:


There are 7 columns

  • Topic: over-reaching subject matter description
  • Sub-topic: a description of the issue being addressed in the Topic
  • Parameter: the parameter (analyte) or group of parameters that the issue pertains to
  • Question: the question posed to lab accreditation staff
  • Answer: lab accreditation staff answer to the question
  • Authority: where a requirement is being referenced the authority either statute, code or method is included

To find information on a particular subject you can use the “find and select” menu icon and search for keywords.

Another option is to use the filter icon on each column header so that you can see just the single instances of the descriptions provided or search those columns using the filter icon for what you want.

The information in this table is provided as a resource for laboratories with questions. The entire row of information must be taken in account for each question and answer. This table is not a substitute for State Statutes, Administrative Codes, or Analytical Method requirements and does not cover every possible situation. If you have a question about the content of this table, please reach out to Tom Trainor.

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