Cooperating Forester Continuing Education and Training
To maintain cooperating forester status, each forester must complete at least 10 hours of professional education/training annually (due on July 1 of each year). This training should be relevant to services provided by the cooperator.
Qualified training
An event where a credible professional is presenting information for the educational benefit of the attendees relating to forestry, forestry-related subject matter or subject matter related to services provided by the cooperator is considered qualified training.
Note: The following lists are NOT all inclusive and are examples simply for your reference. If training sessions are questionable or listed under "Needs more information," please contact Ron Gropp for final determination. These opportunities are subject to approval. Attending different training sessions each year is recommended.
Qualifies | Needs more information | Doesn't qualify |
Finding continuing education opportunities
The DNR holds several training sessions.
- Certified Plan Writer (CPW) Training
Cooperating Foresters interested in being certified to prepare management plans must attend the 3-day CPW training. The next scheduled CPW training is TBD. Please contact R.J. Wickham with any questions, or to be added to the class training roster. Class size is limited to 18 students. - Best management practices training
- National Heritage Inventory (NHI) portal training
The Society of American Foresters (SAF) holds continuing forestry education [exit DNR]. A Wisconsin SAF calendar [exit DNR] is also available.
The Aldo Leopold Foundation holds classes and workshops [exit DNR].