Forest Inventory and Industry Trends
This page contains information on current conditions and trends in the forest products industry and in the forest resources of Wisconsin. These reports are produced annually or periodically by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, Forest Products Services Program. Some reports are developed through the use of data from or in collaboration with the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.
Statewide industry and utilization reports
- Timber Harvest in Wisconsin (2021) [PDF] - Roundwood production by species and product, along with sales on county, state and federal lands.
- Wisconsin's Forest Products Industry (2016) [PDF] - Value of shipments and value-added, number of establishments, employees and average wages.
- Overview of Wisconsin’s Value-Added Wood Manufacturing Industry (2017) [PDF] – A summary of wood products manufactured and purchased, residue markets, certification program enrollment, and training needs.
- Pre-Feasibility Study for a Pulpwood-Using Facility Siting in the State of Wisconsin (2020) [PDF] - Assessment of wood availability, market opportunities, and regional trends to support growth of Wisconsin's pulpwood using industries.
Forest Inventory Data Reports and Summaries
Statewide forest resource summaries
- Wisconsin's Forest Resources (2018) [PDF] - An overview of resources (acreage, volume, growth, removals and mortality of trees).
- Carbon in Wisconsin's Forests (2021) [PDF] - An outline of key terms and processes related to forest carbon, and details amounts of carbon stored and sequestered in Wisconsin's diverse forests.
- Urban Forests of Wisconsin, 2012 (2017) [PDF] - Summary of data about Wisconsin's urban forests, including trends over the previous ten years.
Species summaries
Summary of key data for Wisconsin's most common or utilized species, including volume, growth, mortality, harvest removals, forest health issues, trends and future projections for each species. Updated using 2018 Forest Inventory and Analysis data.
- American Beech [PDF]
- Ash [PDF]
- Aspen [PDF]
- Balsam fir [PDF]
- Basswood [PDF]
- Black Cherry [PDF]
- Black Oak and Northern Pin Oak [PDF]
- Black Walnut [PDF]
- Elm [PDF]
- Hemlock [PDF]
- Hickory [PDF]
- Jack Pine [PDF]
- Northern Red Oak [PDF]
- Paper Birch [PDF]
- Red Maple [PDF]
- Red Pine [PDF]
- Spruce [PDF]
- Sugar Maple [PDF]
- Tamarack [PDF]
- White Cedar [PDF]
- White Oak [PDF]
- White Pine [PDF]
- Yellow Birch [PDF]
See image citations [PDF] for associated image credits.
Data tables
The following data tables support the annual species summaries and Wisconsin Forest Resources Report. Information is current as of 2018 FIA data.
- Information About Acreage by Forest Type [PDF]
- Information About Acreage by Owner County [PDF]
- Information About Acreage by Size, Class and County [PDF]
- Information About Acreage by Stand Age [PDF]
- Information About Biomass by County [PDF]
- Information About Growth, Mortality and Removals [PDF]
- Information About Volume by County and Species [PDF]
Special topics
- High Mortality of Red Oaks (2012) [PDF]
- Old Growth Characteristics in Wisconsin's Forests (2013) [PDF]
- Trends in Sawtimber Volume and Removals in Wisconsin (2012) [PDF]
- Wisconsin's Young and Early Successional Forests (2013) [PDF]
Average annual mortality of growing stock
The average cubic foot volume of sound wood in growing-stock trees that died in one year. This statistic is an average for the years between inventories.
Average annual net growth
The annual change in cubic foot volume of sound wood in live trees through growth less volume losses resulting from natural causes. This statistic is an average for the years between inventories.
Average annual removals
The average net growing stock volume in growing stock trees removed annually for roundwood forest products. This statistic is an average for the years between inventories.
Average weighted stumpage prices
The weighted average is calculated by adding up the total value (volume multiplied by unit value) for each timber species and product combination of each timber sale in a given calendar year and then dividing by the total volume. The timber sale data analyzed was from both private land and public land timber sales conducted throughout the state. See Chapter NR 46 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code [PDF exit DNR] for more information.
Forest type
Classification of forest land based on the species forming a plurality of live tree stocking. The associated species for each forest type are based on the net volume of growing stock and all live biomass by species group.
Gross growth
Net growth plus volume losses due to mortality.
Growing stock tree
A live tree of commercial species that meets specified standards of size, quality and merchantability. Excludes rough, rotten and dead trees.
Growing stock volume
Net volume in cubic feet of growing stock trees 5 inches dbh. and over, from 1 foot above the ground to a minimum 4-inch top diameter outside bark of the central stem or to the point where the central stem breaks into limbs.
Pole tree
A live tree of commercial species at least 5 inches dbh. (diameter at 4.5 feet), but smaller than sawtimber size.
Logs, bolts or other round sections (including chips from roundwood) cut from trees for industrial or consumer uses.
A live tree 1 to 5 inches dbh (diameter at 4.5 feet).
Sawtimber tree
A live tree of commercial species containing at least a 12-foot saw log or two noncontiguous saw logs 8 feet or longer, and meeting regional specifications for freedom from defect. Softwoods must be at least 9 inches dbh. (diameter at 4.5 feet). Hardwoods must be at least 11 inches dbh.
A live tree less than 1-inch dbh (diameter at 4.5 feet) that is expected to survive.