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Eastern Hog-nosed Snake

Heterodon platirhinos

heteplat.jpegPhoto Credit: A.B. Sheldon

Family: Colubridae (Non-venomous snakes)
Status: Common
Size: 20-35 inches

This medium-sized snake, also incorrectly referred to as a "puff adder," has a sharply upturned snout, which earned it its name. The back has dark brown blotches on a brown-gold background, and the underside varies from mottled yellow to mottled gray or pink.

hognose-map.jpegSpecies range (darker) in Wisconsin

Large, older adults are usually dark brown or gray and maybe patternless. Most hognose snakes have a pair of dark black blotches on their necks that resemble "eyespots" when they flatten their necks. Habitats include bracken grassland, oak savanna and sand prairies, but may be seen in the southern forest. Their diet mainly consists of toads, but other amphibians are also eaten.