Gray Treefrog
Hyla versicolor
Family: Hylidae (Treefrogs)
Status: Common
Size: 1.25 to 2.0 inches
Gray Treefrog video [exit DNR]
The chameleon-like gray treefrog changes color with temperature or substrate color. Their background color varies from gray to green with blackish mottling. Unlike the Cope's gray treefrog, gray treefrogs do not lose their mottling when warm, although it may fade. In all cases, gray treefrogs have a white spot below each eye and bright yellow inner thigh markings.
Species range (darker) in Wisconsin
Toe pads are pronounced and serve as suction cups to cling to various surfaces. Their call is more melodic than the Cope's. This species will call beyond the breeding season, especially on warm, rainy or humid days. Gray treefrogs are forest and large woodlot dwellers and breed in semi-permanent to permanent wetlands.