Milwaukee River Basin TMDL
A framework for water quality improvement

The Milwaukee River Bridge
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Milwaukee River total maximum daily load report now final
The Department of Natural Resources and partners have received official approval from the EPA for the Milwaukee River total maximum daily load calculations (TMDLs), which include the Menomonee River, Kinnickinnic River and Milwaukee River watersheds, as well as the Milwaukee Harbor Estuary. This approved TMDL is the first critical milestone for the development of restoration plans and activities to restore the waterways currently not meeting water quality standards under the Clean Water Act.
Final report and GIS data
- Milwaukee Basin Final TMDL [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL USEPA Approval Letter, March 2018 [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL USEPA Decision Document [PDF]
- GIS Data: TMDL Reach Files [ZIP] and Disclaimer [PDF]
Reports and documents
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix A - Allocation Tables per Watershed [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix B - Large Format Maps [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix C - TMDL Development Team Decision Memorandum [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix D - Fecal Coliform Load Duration Curves per TMDL Reach [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix E - Translator Development for Bacterial Indicator TMDLs [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix F - Example Allocation Calculation [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix G - WDNR Response to Official Comments Received [PDF]
- Milwaukee River TMDL Appendix H - 2022 Update for Impaired Water Listings
Quality Assurance Project Plans
- Phosphorus, Sediment, Bacteria TMDL - Approved Milwaukee Harbor Estuary QAPP [PDF]
- Phosphorus, Sediment, Bacteria TMDL - Approved Milwaukee River QAPP [PDF]