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Turf Nutrient Management


Nutrient management plans describe the application of nutrients to establish, maintain, and renovate turf areas. The turf nutrient management technical standard contains criteria to minimize nutrient entry into surface and groundwater resources through proper application of nutrient inputs while maintaining a turf density of 70% or greater. The standard is for developed urban areas and non-municipal properties with five or more total acres of turf that receive nutrients.

Turf Standard for Developed Urban Areas and Non-municipal Properties
Turf Nutrient Management Technical Standard 1100 [PDF]

What is in Technical Standard 1100?

  • Nutrient management plan - Includes a narrative, site map, application restrictions, soil sample locations and results, recommended application rates, turf species, soil types and fertilizer spill response plan.
  • Soil testing - Needed when applying phosphorus. Provides sample collection information and soil testing lab requirements.
  • Turf establishment and maintenance - Identifies the amount of P that can be applied based on soil test results. Identifies the amount of N that can be applied in a growing season.
  • Minimize impact to groundwater - Sets limitations on N application under wet or frozen soil conditions, on highly permeable soils and near bedrock.
  • Minimize impact to surface water - Sets limitations on P application on wet soils and areas near wetlands, streams or lakes.
  • Plan preparer - Planners should be certified sports turf managers, golf course superintendents or someone with a bachelor degree in turf and grounds management or equivalent training or experience.