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Turkey Hunting Access Program

Youth turkey harvest on THAP lands.

What is THAP?

The Turkey Hunting Access Program (THAP) provides financial incentives to private landowners who allow hunters to access their property. Spring turkey hunting is the only activity allowed on THAP properties. Hunters do not need landowner permission to access THAP properties. Lands are open from March 1 - May 29 for spring turkey hunting and scouting only. Download THAP FAQ [PDF].

Landowner information

Lease rates are $5/acre/year. Payment is an upfront lump sum within 60 days of signing. Funding is primarily provided by Wisconsin's turkey stamp and the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). Additional funding was authorized in the 2018 Farm Bill. Funds from 2018 are administered and provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture NRCS.

Properties must be greater than 40 acres and have adequate wild turkey habitat for quality hunting opportunities. For more information, see our Landowner Brochure.

Apply to enroll in THAP or contact the Program Coordinator for more information.

Turkey Hunter Information

Hunter Guidelines

Follow the code of conduct:

  • Constructing or erecting blinds, stands or other structures is not allowed. Portable structures are acceptable but don’t damage trees and take blinds or stands with you when you leave each day.
  • Users do not need to ask permission to access THAP properties.
  • Use designated parking areas when provided.
  • Travel on foot only.
  • Respect landowner rights.

Find a THAP Property by Interactive Map

Access an interactive map of the THAP properties.

This material is based upon work supported by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under number #NR205F48XXXXG001.