Air Management Data Viewer
Web-mapping App Updates:
What’s new with DNR’s web-mapping applications?
We are excited to announce that the DNR’s web mapping applications have been upgraded with more secure and modern technology! While the design may look different, the functionality you rely on remains the same.
For best results, use up-to-date devices, operating systems and internet browsers. If you are having difficulty viewing or interacting with a DNR web-map, try these web browser tips.
The Air Management Data Viewer (AMDV) is the DNR's web-based mapping application that provides information about air permitted facilities, facility emissions and air quality monitoring sites in Wisconsin. The viewer also identifies federally-designated nonattainment and Class I areas. See the tabs below for more information about the data available in the viewer.
Launch the Air Management Data Viewer application.
Map Layers
Map Layers
The AMDV allows users to view multiple layers of data, which are described below.
AM facilities
- Includes the active facilities in the Air Program's Permit Search Tool.
- Does not include closed facilities or facilities that are not designated as a major or minor source of air emissions based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Class Code.
- Each facility entry provides a link to the facility's permits and additional information.
- The layer is updated on a quarterly basis to include new facilities within the database.
- Facilities without an assigned compliance inspector should contact the compliance supervisor listed for the source under the "DNR Air Contacts" tab in the Air Program's Permit Search Tool.
- For attributes that end in question marks (e.g., "PSD Source?"), "Y" indicates the facility has been designated as the specified source type and "N" indicates the facility has not been designated that source type.
- Includes annual emissions from facilities required to report emissions to the Air Program (facilities whose emissions exceed the reporting threshold) in tons per year.
- Emissions layers are updated after inventories from the previous year have been certified, usually in June.
- Includes the air quality monitoring sites operated by the Air Program.
- Monitor locations and attributes are based on the most recent Final Monitoring Network Plan.
- For information about current and historical data from the monitors, see Wisconsin's current air quality and Wisconsin's air quality trends.
Statewide Layers
- Nonattainment areas: Identifies portions of the state that are currently not attaining a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) [exit DNR], as designated by EPA. For more information about nonattainment areas in Wisconsin, visit Ozone and SO2 NAAQS implementation.
- Class I areas: Identifies EPA-designated federal and nonfederal Class I areas.
- Pending nonattainment or nonfederal Class I areas will be added to the map once finalized by EPA.
User Tips
User Tips
There is a suite of tools available to users of the data viewer. Some basic user tips are available below.
- The Welcome panel, which automatically appears when the Viewer is opened, explains some of the key tools to access the provided data.
- The toolbar is located on the top left of the map. It includes three tabs; Identify Tools, Drawing Tools, and Printing/Import Tools
- To view the map layers, click on the "Layers" tab.
- Operational Layers will automatically be selected. Click the arrow to the right to see more specific options. Select statewide layers to see political boundaries.
- To view information about a facility, follow these steps.
- Under the "Layers" menu, select Operational Layers.
- In the toolbar, select the "Identify" button.
- Click on "Identify" to the right of the button.
- Click on the facility symbol on the map.
- Along the left sidebar, you can select from the list of items to see more information.
- After clicking on a facility from the AM Facilities layer, learn more about the permits and activities at that facility by clicking the "Facility Information and Permit Tracking" link in the left sidebar.
- The same procedure can be followed to view information about emissions, monitors and nonattainment and Class I areas.
- The more layers you have selected, the more results are listed. For example, having the "Surface Water" layer selected can bring up small creeks and other water landmarks.
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
The information shown on maps may have been obtained from various sources, and is of varying age, reliability and resolution. Maps are not intended to be used for navigation, nor are maps an authoritative source of information about legal land ownership or public access. Users of maps should confirm the ownership of land through other means in order to avoid trespassing. More information is available on the DNR’s Legal Notices webpage.