Join Master Naturalist instructor Jim Buchholz and Naturalist Butch Dumez for a hike along the Kohler Dunes Cordwalk to explore what can be found in this unique setting.
This event will be a relaxing stroll through the woods of Rocky Arbor State Park. Throughout the walk, we will look at various geological formations and scenic overlooks loved by many within the park. Mosquito repellant is strongly encouraged.
Find the Naturalist on the Echo Rock trail anytime between 12-2 p.m. to ask any questions you may have about the park or to just sit and hang out for awhile!
Hike the Woodland Dunes Trail with Master Naturalist Karen Merlau and learn about the different types of trees, how to identify them, how they grow and how to tell their age.
Meet the Naturalist down at the beach anytime between 1-3 p.m. to listen to some stories about the critters that live in the park. This is a great opportunity to sit and enjoy some time in the outdoors for an afternoon!
Join Don Mikulic on a hike and learn about the importance of limestone (dolomite), lime manufacturing and its role within the Lake Winnebago region during the 1800-1900’s.
Meet the naturalist at the bluff canyon trailhead to hike one of Mirror Lake's newest trails! The trail is a little over a mile and a half and overlooks the beautiful narrows of Mirror Lake.
Mosquito Repellent is strongly encouraged.