The start of fall is a wonderful time of the year to go outside to explore all the changes that are taking place. We will hike the woods of Devil’s Lake and look for sign that fall is starting. You will want to wear shoes for walking in wet and…
Join the naturalist on a 1½ mile hike and learn how to identify several different kinds of trees using a dichotomous key and discover how each one benefits us, the wildlife, and the environment around us.
What does Lakeshore State Park have to do with Niagara Falls? Come find out and learn some Wisconsin geological history as you explore the Lannon stone lining the park, searching for fossilized coral, trilobites, brachiopods, and cephalopods.
Join Friends Member Amanda Mueller on a five-mile hike through the park and discover what this property and Friends Group has to offer. Meet at the Pucketts Pond parking lot, park admission is required.
Door County has a wealth of herbs that can be beneficial to your health and well-being. This walk will explore the herbs in our local environment. Learn how the plants that flourish in this climate can help you flourish as well.