Once a TMDL is approved, federal and state regulations require implementation of point source requirements, or wasteload allocations (WLAs), from the TMDL to be expressed in Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permits.…
Once a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is developed and approved, federal and state regulations then require implementation of TMDLs to meet water quality standards where there are implementation mechanisms in place and supported by law. For point…
Since 2002, the DNR has delisted 89 individual streams, lakes or beaches, representing 443 stream miles and 52,000 lake acres in the state. Below are a few stories of the road to these waters' aquatic health recovery.
Presentations, webinars and videos on the Wisconsin River TMDL and related topics.
February 2018 informational webinar and meetings
The DNR hosted an informational webinar on February 21, 2018, which kicked off a series of…