Stop by the naturalist cabin (adjacent to the main parking area) to explore the nature center, visit the park naturalist and participate in the activity of the day.
Explore the Point Beach lakeshore dunes and discover what a rare and beautiful gem Point Beach State Forest is. The dunes-and-swales formations like the ones here are now found only in two other places in Wisconsin (Woodland Dunes Preserve/Manitowoc…
Insects are the most diverse group of animals on earth and make up over half of all described animal species! We will search for and collect some of these six-legged wonders to observe and release.
Friends of Rib Mountain board member, Wes Ebert, will lead a hike from the Grouse Ln entrance at Rib Mountain State Park to the old homestead location. Join us as we walk and talk about the early settlement history in this area of the park.