Join Master Naturalists Janet & Andy Raddatz at Friends Pond for a guided walk east on Old Park Rd., back to the pond and on to the Ancient Shores Trail in search of birds. Age 12 and up.
What does Lakeshore State Park have to do with Niagara Falls? Come find out and learn some Wisconsin geological history as you explore the Lannon stone lining the park searching for fossilized coral, trilobites, brachiopods, and cephalopods.
Join the Park Ranger for a hike through the park to learn about Wisconsin trees and how to identify them from the bark, leaves, and fruit. All ages are welcome, dress for the weather. Meet at the North Beach parking area, a park sticker is required.
We’ll hike across the wooden bridge over to the Nature Trail Loop and explore the ridges and swales that mark successive shorelines of ancient Lake Nippissing.