Contact: Alissa Kakatsch, DNR Assistant Game Bird Specialist or 608-576-7559
DNR Now Accepting Artwork For The 2026 Turkey, Pheasant And Waterfowl Stamp Contest

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now accepting artwork entries for the Wild Turkey, Pheasant and Waterfowl Stamp Design Contests. The winning designs will appear on the 2026 collection of stamps.
Each year, local artists from around Wisconsin compete for an opportunity to showcase their talents, commemorate their work and promote wildlife conservation across the state.
Hunters are required to purchase a species-specific stamp to legally harvest any of these game birds in Wisconsin. The sales of these three stamps generate hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for species management throughout the state, including habitat management, restoration, education and research projects.
Stamp design entries must be received or postmarked by Aug. 1, 2025. Judging will take place on Aug. 23, 2025, at the Waterfowl Hunters Expo in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
The winners of the 2025 contests were:
- Wild Turkey – Robert Leum of Holmen
- Pheasant – Robert Leum of Holmen
- Waterfowl – Jon Rickaby of Suamico
All stamp contest applicants should review the contest rules carefully to ensure the eligibility of their entries. Artwork must meet technical requirements to be properly processed and prepared for judging and display.
Rules, entry information and reproduction rights agreements are available on the DNR’s Wildlife Stamp Funding and Stamp Design Contest webpage.
Stamp contest applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain insurance for their artwork if shipped and to confirm the delivery of their submission directly with the stamp contest coordinator.