Landfill and Solid Waste Fees Rulemaking Advisory Committee
Date: 08/16/2023
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Kate Strom Hiorns, or 608-294-8663
The Advisory Committee meeting agenda includes an overview of the state's Environmental Management Account and Waste Program funding, review of draft edits, focusing on NR 506 and 520, and open time for public comments. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting, but because of time constraints, public participation in discussions will be limited, and priority will be given to Advisory Committee members and the DNR. Additional public comments are welcome before or after the meeting and may be provided to committee members or to Kate Strom Hiorns, Recycling and Solid Waste Section Chief, at or 608-294-8663.
Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 83934487236#