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Fatality summary, annual reports and crash reporting

Snowmobiling in Wisconsin

Snowmobile crash incident reports

Each year, the Department of Natural Resources maintains a summary of fatal incidents in the Fatality Summaries. In addition, the Annual Program Report contains information on snowmobile registration, safety tips, number of safety students and instructors, number of fatal and non-fatal crashes, and factors involved with fatal crashes. A complete copy of the most recent annual report is available below, and may also be requested by email (please provide a U.S. postal service mailing address).


Snowmobile Crash Incident Reports

Annual Reports


Reporting a snowmobile crash incident

A "reportable" snowmobile crash incident is any incident (regardless of the number of snowmobiles involved) that results in a fatality or an injury that requires medical treatment by a physician.

Wisconsin law requires every snowmobile operator involved in a "reportable" incident to report the incident without delay to law enforcement officials. In addition, within 10 days of the incident, the operator must submit a written report on Form 4100-174 [PDF] to the Department of Natural Resources.

Some visitors to this site have reported having difficulty when attempting to open the crash incident report in their internet browser. The online fillable form is designed to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

If you experience difficulty viewing or downloading forms on this site, read our site requirements to learn how to improve your experience on the DNR website.

If you are unable to download the online form above, forms are also available from DNR offices, sheriff's departments and many local police departments. Additionally, forms may be requested at the address below or by email.

Completed forms may be emailed to the DNR (instructions are included in the form) or mailed to:

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Safety Section - LE/8
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements is punishable by a penalty up to $326.

Pursuant to Section 350.15(4)), Wis. Stats., this report may not be used as evidence in a trial.