Gifts and Bequests
Wisconsin State Park System
Thank you for considering making a gift or bequest to Wisconsin's state parks through your estate. Your generosity helps support Wisconsin's beautiful state parks, forests, recreation areas and trails for future generations.

Bequests are gifts made through your estate plan. Through your will or trust, you may choose to leave assets to the DNR after your lifetime. There may be tax benefits to gifting a portion of your estate to the DNR, and individuals considering making a gift to the department are encouraged to discuss their options with their estate planner.
Sample Language
To make a bequest to the Department of Natural Resources, the following language will be helpful for your lawyer:
I give, devise, and bequeath to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources the sum of _____________ (or a percentage of the estate) for the maintenance and improvement of _____________ (list a property or properties).
Example: I give, devise and bequeath to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources the sum of $5,000 for the maintenance and improvement of Whitefish Dunes State Park.
Example: I give, devise and bequeath to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 5% of my estate for the maintenance and improvement of linear bike trails.
Land Donations
For information on gifts or bequests of land, please see Donating/Gifting Your Land.
Thank you!