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Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW)

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You may have noticed Clean Boats, Clean Waters boat inspectors checking boats at a local boat landing, or maybe you are a volunteer or are interested in learning more. Clean Boats, Clean Waters includes teams of volunteers, as well as paid staff from the DNR, Sea Grant and other organizations. Boat inspectors help perform boat and trailer checks, hand out informational brochures and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

The DNR maintains a statewide database, which contains tallies of information tracked at landings. The UW-Extension (UWEX) Lakes conducts trainings for new boat inspectors and coordinates the volunteer efforts. Be sure to visit the UWEX Clean Boats, Clean Waters website for the handbook, forms, publications, schedule of workshops and general information about Clean Boats, Clean Waters.

Graphs and data by county, project and boat landing are available and updated daily.

Clean Boats, Clean Waters Grants

Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW) is a streamlined aquatic invasive species (AIS) grant through which volunteer or paid staff conduct boat and trailer inspections and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of AIS at boat landings. If you are an eligible sponsor looking for grant funding to help finance a basic CBCW landing inspection program, we have developed a streamlined application. Visit the Surface Water Grants page, CBCW tab for more information.

For Boaters

For Watercraft Inspectors

For Trainers

Training and training resources are available through UW-Extension Lakes.