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Wisconsin Wildlife Reports

Wildlife reports

Results from these reports will be used by wildlife program managers to inform them on harvest, participation and hunter efforts and opinions to help them make decisions on species management.

Wildlife reports are divided into surveys addressing five species groups: small game, big game, waterfowl, furbearers and nongame. Interpretations of data in these reports are subject to change as a result of data verification and more extensive data analysis.

Historical harvest estimates are indices of harvest trends. Thus, caution should be used in interpreting trends in harvest estimates as indices of population trends. Harvest is influenced by game population levels, hunter effort, hunting regulations, weather conditions and pelt prices.

These reports were made possible by Pittman-Robertson funding.

Semi-annual reports are distributed in April and August.


Small game

Report titlePreviousCurrent
Rural mail carrier pheasant survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Spring ring-necked pheasant surveys2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Ruffed grouse
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Ruffed grouse drumming survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Sharp-tailed grouse
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Sharp-tailed grouse harvest & hunter survey2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Wisconsin sharp-tailed grouse survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Regional bobwhite quail and cottontail rabbit survey2019 [PDF]2021 [PDF]
Small game harvest2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Summer wildlife inquiry2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Ten-week brood observations2018 [PDF]2019 [PDF]
Upland gamebird brood survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]

Big game

Report titlePreviousCurrent
Black bear harvest report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Black bear hunter questionnaire2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Black bear population analyses2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Damaging and nuisance wildlife
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Agricultural deer damage shooting permits2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Black bear damage and nuisance complaints2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Wildlife damage abatement and claims program2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Archery deer hunting questionnaire2013 [PDF]2017 [PDF]
Chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin deer2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Deer ages and condition2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Deer harvest report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Deer hunter wildlife survey2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Deer hunting questionnaire2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Deer recruitment surveys2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
White-tailed deer population status2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Winter severity indices2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Wisconsin deer hunting summary2020 [PDF]2021 [PDF]
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Wisconsin elk hunting summary2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Gray Wolf
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Gray wolf hunter/trapper questionnaire2014 [PDF]2021 [PDF]
Gray wolf monitoring report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Wisconsin wolf season report2014 [PDF]2021 [PDF]
Report titlePreviousCurrent
Fall turkey harvest report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Fall turkey hunting questionnaire2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Spring turkey harvest report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Spring turkey hunting questionnaire2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Wild turkey landowner brood survey2010 [PDF]2011 [PDF]


Report titlePreviousCurrent
Bird banding accomplishments2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Waterfowl breeding population survey for Wisconsin2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Wisconsin Canada goose harvest report2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Wisconsin youth waterfowl hunt2018 [PDF]2019 [PDF]


Report titlePreviousCurrent
Beaver population analyses2011 [PDF]2014 [PDF]
Beaver trapping questionnaire2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Bobcat harvest2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Bobcat hunter/trapper survey2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Bobcat population analyses2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Fisher harvest2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Fisher population analyses2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Fur trapper survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Otter harvest2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Otter population analyses2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Winter track counts2017 [PDF]2018 [PDF]
Wisconsin fur buyers report2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]


Report titlePreviousCurrent
American marten winter track surveys in Northern Wisconsin2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Annual mammal survey2018 [PDF]2019 [PDF]
Central Wisconsin Greater prairie-chicken survey2023 [PDF]2024 [PDF]
Frog and toad survey2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Moose observations2021-2022 [PDF]2023 [PDF]
Rare carnivore observations2018 [PDF]2019 [PDF]
Wisconsin bald eagle and osprey nest surveys2020 [PDF]2021 [PDF]

Historical harvest estimates

Big game
Report title
Deer harvest, 1934-2019 [PDF]
Percent of total deer harvest and permits, 1965-2019 [PDF]
Turkey permits issued and harvest, 1983-2019 [PDF]
Turkey harvest success rates, 1983-2019 [PDF]
Black bear harvest and permits issued, 1934-2019 [PDF]
Small game
Report title
Small game hunter numbers, 1983-2019 [PDF]
Small game harvest trends, 1931-2019 [PDF]
Report title
Waterfowl harvest trends, 1932-2019 [PDF]
Report title
Furbearer harvest and pelt value [PDF]
Total furbearer harvest and pelt value, 1930-2019 [PDF]
Hunting accidents
Report title
History of hunting accidents both fatal and non-fatal, 1944-2019 [PDF]

For more information about this data, please see the WI Wildlife Harvest Summary, 1930-2019 [PDF]