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Keep Wildlife Wild

Striped skunks are mainly nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night and spend most of the day in a burrow or den. They are very adaptable and can live wherever sufficient water, food and shelter exist.

They have young, called kits, and are born in late April to early May. Kits are born hairless, with faint black and white markings on their body. It is a common misconception that skunk kits cannot spray. They can create musk at 8 days old and are capable of spraying at 3 weeks old. At 3 weeks old, kits can open their eyes. They leave the den with their mother at 6-8 weeks, fully furred and learning how to search for food.

Tip: Mother skunks are rarely far from their young. If you see active skunk kits outside of their den, the mother is likely nearby. Do not try to pick them up or pet them. Skunks are carriers of rabies in Wisconsin, and therefore licensed wildlife rehabilitators are currently not allowed to provide care for skunks. It is very important to protect the skunk kits by leaving them alone to be raised by their natural mothers.