This is a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 001-25 (Board Order WA-15-24), which affects ch. NR 530, relating to implementation of electronics recycling program requirements.
This is a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 112-24 (Board Order WA-14-24), which affects chs. NR 157 and 500 to 526, relating to non-landfill solid waste management.
The agenda includes DNR updates, battery subgroup information, rulemaking updates and a discussion on DNR procedure efficiency ideas.
This is a joint public hearing on emergency rule WA-07-24(E) and permanent rule WA-08-24 to revise ch. NR 520, relating to an alternative method for a municipality to establish proof of financial responsibility required for a solid waste disposal…
The Department of Natural Resources has determined the plan of operation modification report for the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Weston Disposal Site #3 Ash Landfill (License #3067) is complete. The landfill is a coal combustion…
Pursuant to section NR 514.045(3), Wis. Adm. Code, that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has determined the plan of operation modification report submitted by WE Energies for the initial permitting of the Caledonia Ash Landfill (License #…
The Department of Natural Resources determined that the plan of operation modification report for Dairyland Power Coop Phase IV Alma Offsite Ash Disposal Facility (Phase IV Landfill, License #4126) is complete.
The DNR and Technical Advisory Committee will discuss recent comments received on Board Order WA-11-22 regarding Landfill Design and Operations and Solid Waste Fees.
This is a public hearing on a proposed rule, Board Order WA-11-22, relating to chs. NR 500 to 520 and landfills, solid waste management fees, financial responsibility and reporting requirements.
The DNR's Waste and Materials Management Program will be requesting feedback on current administrative code that primarily impacts non-landfill solid waste facility operations to assess rule update and research needs. This session will cover open…