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  • Hearing/Meeting

    Preliminary Public Hearing On A Statement Of Scope SS 001-25 (WA-15-24)

    This is a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 001-25 (Board Order WA-15-24), which affects ch. NR 530, relating to implementation of electronics recycling program requirements.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, reports on the Environmental Management account/recycling tip fee and Every Bottle Back Initiative, discussion and possible action on potential battery legislation, food waste…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council on Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, a discussion and possible action on battery legislative options, a report on 2023 recycling data, a food waste diversion update, an overview of commodity markets, required training…

  • News

    DNR Celebrates Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Award Winners On America Recycles Day

    In honor of America Recycles Day, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announces the winners of the 2024 Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Awards.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, discussion and possible action on battery legislative options, DOE battery grant application, food waste diversion update, agricultural plastics recycling update, discussion with a…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, discussion and possible action on battery legislative options, 2022 recycling data, food waste diversion update, report of council activities, introduction to Liberty Tire Recycling…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include a presentation on the Chemical Upcycling of Waste Plastics (CUWP), DNR and legislative updates, discussion and possible action on legislation (Senate Bills 866, 876, 906, 721), recycling rule revision updates,…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Public hearing on a proposed rule, board order WA-13-21, relating to chs. NR 500, 502, 520, 542, and 544, and statewide materials recycling and effective recycling programs

    This is a public hearing on a proposed rule, Board Order WA-13-21, relating to chs. NR 500, 502, 520, 542, and 544, and statewide materials recycling and effective recycling programs.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council on Recycling meeting

    Council members will conduct their next meeting via conference call and Zoom. Agenda topics for the council include Wisconsin Public Records Law Training, DNR and legislative updates, recycling administrative code revision updates, battery recycling…

  • News

    DNR Celebrates Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Award Winners On America Recycles Day

    In honor of America Recycles Day, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announces the winners of the 2023 Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Awards.

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