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Council on Recycling

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, reports on the Environmental Management account/recycling tip fee and Every Bottle Back Initiative, discussion and possible action on potential battery legislation, food waste…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council on Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, a discussion and possible action on battery legislative options, a report on 2023 recycling data, a food waste diversion update, an overview of commodity markets, required training…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling Meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, discussion and possible action on battery legislative options, DOE battery grant application, food waste diversion update, agricultural plastics recycling update, discussion with a…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council On Recycling meeting

    Agenda includes DNR/Legislative Updates, E-cycle Program Legislation/Rulemaking Update, Product Stewardship Overview, Responsible Unit Recycling Grant Overview and other items.

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