The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the approval of Stewardship funding for Friends Grants to 28 nonprofit organizations for improvements at DNR properties across the state. The State Building Commission approved the funding, which includes 32 projects for a total of $430,877 in Stewardship Fund grants, leveraging $660,847 in matching contributions and $3.4 million in total project costs.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that it has published a summary of public comments it received on the Draft Vision, Goals, Objectives and Management Alternatives for DNR-managed lands in the Central Sand Hills region.
Property Name Legal Description Size and Cover Type Maps V463 Township 3 North, Range 5 West, Section 16 (Brooklyn Twp) 218 acres. This property consists of 12.12 acres of grassland/wetland and 205.88 acres of…
Property Name Legal Description Size and Cover Type Maps V462 Township 35 North, Range 1 West, Section 29 (Catawba Twp) 336 acres. This property consists of 26.41 acres of grassland/wetland and 310.15 acres of…
Property Name Legal Description Size and Cover Type Maps V461 Township 50 North, Range 7 West, Section 19 (Clover Twp) 174 acres. This property consists of 8.15 acres of grassland/wetland and 166.11 acres of…
Thanks to the generosity of many Wisconsin landowners, some private lands are open to the public for various recreation types. The Voluntary Public Access (VPA) and Turkey Hunter Access (THAP) Programs provide financial incentives to landowners to…
Do you need to rent land for your farming operation? Do you want to help manage the critical public land resources in Wisconsin? You can!Row crop, haying and grazing agreements with the DNR are excellent ways to expand your land base and assist…
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking public comments on two master plan variances.
Property Name Legal Description Size and Cover Type Featured Uses Maps V450 T31N R4E S35 (Corning Twp) 82 acres. This property consists of 82 acres of forest. Aerial View V458 T31N R4E S35…