This is a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 001-25 (Board Order WA-15-24), which affects ch. NR 530, relating to implementation of electronics recycling program requirements.
The stakeholder committee will meet to discuss the proposed revisions to ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm, Code, related to control of lead and copper in public drinking water.
The stakeholder committee will meet to discuss the proposed revisions to ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm, Code, related to control of lead and copper in public drinking water.
The Drinking Water and Groundwater Program will host an information-sharing meeting on the chapter NR 809 PFAS rule revisions, CCR revisions and some technical edits.
The stakeholder committee will meet to discuss the proposed revisions to ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm, Code, related to control of lead and copper in public drinking water.