The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics as time and interest allow.
The Disability Advisory Council advises the Department of Natural Resources on matters pertaining to the accessibility of all department programs and services by persons with disabilities.
The stakeholder committee will meet to discuss the proposed revisions to ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm, Code, related to control of lead and copper in public drinking water.
The stakeholder committee will meet to discuss the proposed revisions to ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm, Code, related to control of lead and copper in public drinking water.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking public input on a proposed reauthorization of the state's phosphorus multi-discharger variance (MDV). A public hearing is being held to receive comments on the proposed multi-discharger…
The Wisconsin Council on Forestry will meet to discuss State Forest Action plan updates, an update on age distribution of red pine and oak, an update on the state budget, council state budget communications to legislators, the Biennial Report,…
Migratory Game Bird Advisory Committee meeting to discuss potential changes to the Wisconsin duck season zones and splits before public hearing/input time period
Pheasant Advisory Committee meeting to review stamp grant applications.
Migratory Game Bird Advisory Committee meeting to discuss stamp grant applications.
Turkey Advisory Committee meeting to discuss stamp grant applications.