Environmental Loans Staff Directory
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program
The Environmental Loans (EL) Section staff contact information is listed along with their areas of expertise. For information about a specific loan or project, contact your DNR loan project manager.
- Leadership
- Program coordinators
- Construction management engineers
- Loan project managers
- Support staff
- DOA officers
- Mailing address
- Disbursement requests
Name | Phone # | Title | |
Jim Ritchie | 608-215-6235 | Jim.Ritchie@Wisconsin.gov | Community Financial Assistance Bureau director |
Matt Marcum | 608-575-8825 | MatthewR.Marcum@Wisconsin.gov | Environmental Loans Section manager |
Becky Scott | 608-513-9351 | Rebecca.Scott@Wisconsin.gov | Environmental Loans Section manager |
Program coordinators
Name | Phone # | Loan Program | |
Lisa Bushby | 608-358-3330 | Lisa.Bushby@Wisconsin.gov | Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP) |
Noah Balgooyen | 608-720-0802 | Noah.Balgooyen@Wisconsin.gov | Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) |
Construction management engineers (CMEs)
View map showing the counties each CME serves.
Name | Phone # | Region | |
Dave Andruczyk | 715-490-9072 | David.Andruczyk@Wisconsin.gov | Northern |
Brent Binder | 608-444-3196 | Brent.Binder@Wisconsin.gov | Southeast |
Charlie Cameron | 715-491-3290 | Charles.Cameron@Wisconsin.gov | West Central |
Bob Hannes | 920-366-4208 | Robert.Hannes@Wisconsin.gov | Northeast |
Tyler Zettl | 608-235-3726 | Tyler.Zettl@Wisconsin.gov | South Central |
Loan project managers
Name | Phone # | Areas of Expertise | |
Ben Aerts | 608-576-1650 | Benjamin.Aerts@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP environmental reviews (E/A/H), loan processing |
Ryan Atkinson | 608-640-0510 | Ryan.Atkinson@Wisconsin.gov | CWFP & SDWLP Emerging Contaminants (EC) Programs, loan processing |
Cameron Batchelor | 608-228-1025 | Cameron.Batchelor@Wisconsin.gov | loan processing |
Brian Boelkow | 608-212-8234 | Brian.Boelkow@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP environmental reviews (E/A/H), loan processing |
Sarah Bolitho | 608-960-2927 | Sarah.Bolitho@Wisconsin.gov | storm water projects, Clean Watersheds Needs Survey, loan processing |
Michelle Brietzman | 608-490-0187 | MichelleE.Brietzman@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP environmental reviews (E/A/H), loan processing |
Dave Calhoon | 608-234-0845 | David.Calhoon@Wisconsin.gov | CWFP Pilot Projects Program, equipment replacement fund, user charge system and sewer use ordinance, loan processing |
Blythe Cassidy | 608-640-0509 | Blythe.Cassidy@Wisconsin.gov | DOA liaison, loan processing |
Suzy Hasheider | 608-438-3055 | Suzan.Hasheider@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) policy analyst, federal liaison, green project reserve, loan processing |
Liz Higgins | 608-444-2451 | Elizabeth.Higgins@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP environmental reviews (E/A/H), federal reports, loan processing |
Ashley Jimenez | 608-212-7690 | Ashley.Jimenez@Wisconsin.gov | loan processing |
Kim Leizinger | 608-695-0875 | Kimberly.Leizinger@Wisconsin.gov | project closeouts, requests for disbursement, interim debt, loan processing |
Kate Leja-Brennan | 608-261-7434 | Kathryn.Leja@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement Program, loan processing |
Meja Maka | 608-800-1964 | Meja.Maka@Wisconsin.gov | loan processing |
Erika Mills | 608-212-1246 | Erika.Mills@Wisconsin.gov | loan processing |
Dan Noreika | 608-228-4114 | Daniel.Noreika@Wisconsin.gov | SDWLP Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement Program, loan processing |
Bryan Patek | 608-212-8298 | Bryan.Patek@Wisconsin.gov | loan processing |
Corey Pope | 608-212-8928 | Corey.Pope@Wisconsin.gov | interim debt, loan processing |
Casey Sweeney | 608-852-1576 | Casey.Sweeney@Wisconsin.gov | CWFP and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) policy analyst, disadvantaged business enterprise, environmental justice, federal liaison, green project reserve, loan processing |
Support staff
Name | Phone # | Title | Areas of Expertise | |
Kay Christensen | 608-220-7215 | Kay.Christensen@Wisconsin.gov | Outreach coordinator | conferences, electronic newsletters, publications, web content editor |
Andy Boettcher | 608-266-7653 | Andrew.Boettcher@wisconsin.gov | DNR IT supervisor | online systems |
Department of Administration (DOA) Capital Finance Office staff
Name & Email | Phone # | Title | Areas of Expertise |
DOAEIF@wisconsin.gov | Shared Email Account | Emails sent to this address get answered by the first available person. | |
Andrea Ceron | 608-267-0374 | Capital Finance Officer | annual loan monitoring, disbursements, loan repayments/collections, loan underwriting, project closeouts |
Jessica Fandrich | 608-267-2734 | Capital Finance Officer | annual loan monitoring, loan underwriting, project closeouts |
Amy Johnson | 608 266-0739 | Capital Finance Officer | annual loan monitoring, disbursements, loan repayments/collections, loan underwriting, project closeouts |
Rachel Liegel | 608-267-7399 | Capital Finance Officer | annual loan monitoring, disbursements, loan repayments/collections, loan underwriting, project closeouts |
Katherine Miller | 608-266-2305 | Deputy Capital Finance Director |
Mailing address
Loan project managers, leadership, and support staff are located at DNR Central Office.
For United States Postal Service (USPS):
PO BOX 7921
MADISON WI 53707-7921For all other carriers:
Disbursement requests
Requests for Disbursement
Email complete disbursement requests as PDFs to: dnrcfeldisbursements@wisconsin.gov.
- For each email message, the maximum file size limit is 10MB.
- We do not accept stamped, digital nor electronic signatures as certification on the disbursement form.
Note: For email submittals, we suggest you sign the paper form, scan it to a computer, save it as a PDF, then email the completed submittal to the email account.