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Requests for Disbursement

Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program

For a municipality to receive a payment from an Environmental Loans program, it must submit a complete Request for Disbursement. Invoices and supporting documentation for eligible costs are required before our specialists can approve the request for disbursement. The same requirements apply whether the disbursement request is submitted via mail or email.


For a municipality to receive a disbursement from the Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP) or the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP), it must complete and submit a Request for Disbursement form with supporting invoices and documentation.

If you have trouble opening a fillable form or PDF, read the DNR Site Requirements and PDF Help for assistance.


The municipality must submit to DNR its first request for disbursement at least eight weeks prior to the loan closing date. The amount of the first disbursement request must be equal to or greater than 5% of the loan amount or $50,000, whichever is less. The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) will wire the municipality's first disbursement of loan funds on the loan closing date. Any additional disbursement requests to be paid with the loan closing disbursement should be submitted at least three weeks before the loan closing date.


Refer to the budget sheet in the Financial Assistance Agreement when preparing subsequent Request for Disbursement forms. The line item totals on the Request for Disbursement form should not exceed the line item totals on the budget sheet that the municipality and the DNR Loan Project Manager agreed upon.


The municipalities bank account information is now handled exclusively by the Department of Administration.

  • For new Financial Assistance Agreements (loans), DOA staff will call the municipal contact to verify the bank information.
  • For awards with ongoing disbursements, notify DOA at if your bank information changes. If a municipality changes banks or its account number, the municipality should notify DOA immediately so future disbursements will be transferred to the proper bank account.


The loan closing disbursement occurs as a wire transfer to a non-interest-bearing account. Wire transfers are sent via the federal reserve wire system. Banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System cannot receive wire transfers directly. Banks that are not members of the federal wire system must rely on an intermediary bank to receive the wire transfer and pass the funds on to the local bank.

  • If a municipality is unsure of the wire information, it should call the bank to get the correct instructions.
  • Direct intermediary bank questions to

Wire Fees

Wire fees may be as low as $15 and up to $45, depending on the bank. Some banks do not charge a fee at all. If a municipality asks them to, some banks will waive the fees.

When setting up your account, verify with your bank whether there will be wire fees incurred. Wire fees are an eligible loan cost. Discuss with your DNR Loan Project Manager if including wire fees in your loan are desired.

Direct wire fee questions to


The DOA has expanded the option for disbursements after loan closing to include automated clearing house (ACH) transfers. Disbursement occurring on loan closing day must be a wire transfer so that the funds are deposited on loan closing day, ensuring a successful loan close. Any subsequent disbursement can be processed via ACH. The drawback of an ACH is that it can sometimes take up to three (3) business days to be deposited into the receiving bank account. Many municipalities have switched to ACH to avoid bank wire fees. Please contact DOA at if you are interested in this option.

Deadlines and Payments

The EIF will be able to make payments within 14-16 days of receipt if the municipality submits the following information and meets the disbursement date deadlines:

  1. Form 8700-215 must include the signature of the authorized municipal representative, title, date and telephone number. Invoices must accompany all requested costs on each line on the Request for Disbursement form. Statements and canceled checks are not acceptable. Note: If the municipality has submitted invoices previously to the EIF project manager, it does not need to resubmit invoices with the Form 8700-215.
  2. Loan disbursements are wired to municipalities on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month; adjustments may be made for holidays. Request for Disbursement forms are due at DNR two Fridays before the disbursement date (to allow sufficient processing time for DNR and DOA staff).
    • If DNR receives Form 8700-215 by the Friday before the first Wednesday of the month, the municipality will receive disbursement on the second Wednesday of the month.
    • If DNR receives Form 8700-215 by the Friday before the third Wednesday of the month, the municipality will receive disbursement on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
  3. In order to minimize administrative processing expenses, disbursements requested on Form 8700-215 should be for at least $10,000. If this is not feasible for the municipality, disbursement for a lesser amount will be accepted.

Visual aid for disbursement schedules

Download the disbursement schedule with a 12-month calendar for both Environmental Loans programs (CWFP and SDWLP).

  • PUB-CF-061a 2025 Disbursement Schedule with 12-Month Calendar

Loan disbursement requirements

The Financial Assistance Agreement is a binding contract, so it is critical that the municipality understands the conditions set forth in the agreement. The following are issues that the DNR and DOA feel need further emphasis. These conditions need to be followed because of IRS requirements.

  • The municipality must deposit all amounts received from the EIF into a NON-INTEREST bearing account.
  • The municipality must expend all amounts received within three business days.
  • The funds received from the EIF shall not be used in a manner that would cause the Bonds issued to the EIF to be "Arbitrage Bonds". Please reference Article V Sec. 5.09(c) of the Financial Assistance Agreement.
  • Unless the municipality is using proceeds for reimbursement or refinancing purposes, all proceeds should be used to pay unpaid invoices for the project.

Invoice documentation

EIF staff will notify the Department of Administration to make disbursement of the municipality's payment request if the request form is complete and all the necessary invoice documentation to support the costs identified on the request are included. The EIF will not accept invoices that are prepared on a memo note or scratch paper. Also, it is not necessary to send copies of the check register showing payment of the invoice. To save mailing expenses, invoices may be duplexed.

The following invoice documentation is needed to support costs submitted for:

Force Account:

Force account refers to a municipality using its own employees, equipment or both for work on its CWFP/SDWLP project.

The following are examples of force account expenditures.

Payroll Related Costs:

  • employee name
  • employee hours (eligible and ineligible portions segregated)
  • complete description of work performed
  • date(s) the work was performed
  • employee rate of pay

Machine/Equipment Usage:

  • type of machine/equipment used
  • hours of use
  • hourly charges
  • dates of use
  • project function

Interim Debt Costs:

  • copy of note or bond
  • copy of bank statement showing interest accrued up to the loan closing date
  • copy of bank statement or statement from institution where funds have been deposited, showing interest earned up to the loan closing date

Engineering Services:

  • description of work performed, i.e., facility planning, plans and specs, inspection and other construction management
  • cost of work performed to date
  • amount of total payment due

Note: Standard practice for engineering firms is to provide an invoice number, date of invoice, period in which work was performed, staff performing work, hourly rate, hours worked, mileage, meals, and other direct expenses.

Land Acquisition:

  • a copy of the deed or title
  • a copy of the canceled check, or
  • for a wire transfer, a copy of the bank statement indicating the debit


  • letter or documentation verifying the cost
  • a copy of the cancelled check

Construction Work:

  • application and certification for payment for all awarded contracts
  • back-up documentation showing a description of work, quantity, unit price, amount, work completed to date, percent completed (e.g. continuation sheets)
  • the period in which work was performed
  • signatures from both the contractor and engineering firm

Miscellaneous purchases of equipment or eligible construction costs not completed by the awarded contractor must be supported with an invoice.

Note: Any interest on delayed payments by the municipality is ineligible for EIF payment. While such interest stipulations are common in agreements with engineering consultants, construction contractors and financial consultants, for EIF purposes these interest payments are ineligible.

Miscellaneous/Administrative Costs:

  • municipality's name and address
  • invoice date and number
  • description of work/equipment/supplies

Note: Those administrative costs incurred solely because of the project are eligible costs. Ineligible administrative costs include ordinary operating expenses of local government such as salaries and expenses of a mayor, city council members or city attorney.

Closing Costs:

  • Bond Counsel and/or Financial Advisor name and address
  • date the services were rendered
  • how the service was connected to the EIF
  • amount of time spent on each service
  • hourly rate, if applicable

Note: If the DNR identifies a portion of a project as ineligible, the municipality must be sure that bid documents clearly distinguish between the eligible and ineligible portions of contracts. Similarly, contractors in preparing their bills or invoices need to distinguish between the charges for the eligible portion of the project and the charges for the ineligible portion. Also, where a portion of the engineering, legal, or other work is deemed ineligible, invoices and/or other supporting documentation must clearly distinguish between the costs of the eligible and ineligible work. Costs applicable to an ineligible portion of a project cannot be claimed for EIF financing.

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Email address

Email complete disbursement requests as PDFs to:

  • For each email message, the maximum file size limit is 10MB.
  • We do not accept stamped, digital nor electronic signatures as certification on the disbursement form.
    Note: For email submittals, we suggest you sign the paper form, scan it to a computer, save it as a PDF, then email the completed submittal to the email account.

Mailing address

We encourage you to submit your complete disbursement requests via email, however, you may also submit your complete disbursement requests via mail. Please note that any response to mail may be slow because most staff are teleworking a couple of days during the week.

For United States Postal Service (USPS):

PO BOX 7921
MADISON WI  53707-7921

For all other carriers:


Contact Information

Direct general questions about the Request for Disbursement (RFD) process to:

Kim Leizinger, Disbursement specialist

Direct project specific questions to the assigned DNR loan project manager.

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