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Federal Clean Vessel Act grant program

The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Program is a nationwide competitive federal grant program that provides funding to states as part of an effort to clean up the nation's waterways. Nationwide, the program receives about $10 million annually. Funding for the CVA program comes from the Federal Sport Fish Restoration Account of the Aquatic Resources Trust Fund. The CVA encourages states to subcontract with private marinas/businesses as well as local units of government to construct projects.

Application Deadline

  • CVA - September 1

Any private marina/business with public access or local units of government.

Eligible projects include

  • construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pump-out and dump stations including:
    • floating restrooms not connected to land or structures; and
    • structures connected to the land, used solely by boaters; and
  • education/information materials.

Grant application materials for CVA projects must be submitted by 11:59 P.M. Sept. 1.

Before applying

  1. read Program Guidance for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Subaward Grant Program: Boating Infrastructure Grant, Clean Vessel Act, and Sportfish Restoration for Boat Access and Fishing Piers; and
  2. contact the grant manager to discuss your project prior to submitting the program application.

Federal Government Transition from DUNS to UEI

As of April 4, 2022, the federal government discontinued using the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities. Previously, DNR grantees receiving federal funds needed to provide a DUNS number as part of the grant process. As of April 4th, grantees receiving federal funds will now have to provide a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) created in (office website of the U.S. government). Entities registered in prior to April 4th already have their UEI viewable in The following website provides more information regarding the transition from DUNS number to UEI:

At this time, the DUNS field on the application has not been transitioned to accept the UEI number. Please include your UEI number in your application email.

Application materials

Note: If you are having problems opening forms, visit PDF Help.

DO NOT FORGET THE ATTACHMENTS!! Your application is not considered complete if you do not include the required attachments

  • Project resolution by grant applicant authorizing participation. A sample resolution can be found under the Applying tab.
  • Project location clearly marked on a map
  • Project area footprint outlined on a map
  • Topographical map of project location showing land disturbance area
  • Illustration (drawings/photos) of project area in its current condition including all existing facilities
  • Drawings or site plan of the proposed project area including buildings, parking lots, ramps piers, etc.
  • Preliminary or final engineering plans for all grant project components that include pier designs that show pier approach, the water depth along the pier, and the width and length of the piers
  • Draft easement, lease, or MOU/MOA document (if development project is on land not owned by applicant)
  • Copy of required permit(s) (if already recieved)

Submitting an application

All grant applications must be sent to the department by the date listed in the Deadlines Tab.
Email applications to

In the subject line of the email, enter the type of grant you are applying for. All application materials should be saved in PDF format and should not exceed 15 megabytes (MB) in size. If email size (including attachments) exceeds 15 MB, send documents in multiple emails. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the application has been submitted by the deadline. The applicant will receive a confirmation email when the application has been received or if any additional materials are required.


Contact information
For additional information about the Federal Clean Vessel Act grant program, please contact:
Danielle Block
Grant Program Manager